My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5321 5321 When did you know?

"I was really blind. I not only misjudged Su Muyun, but also misjudged you. Han Qingxue, how dare you slander Master like this? Are you worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth?" Senior Brother Yang pressed his chest with his palms, because it was too much Out of anger, the blood that had just stopped flowed out from between his fingers again.

Originally, he wanted to stab himself again, but the sword blow just now had already caused serious injuries. He was afraid that the person next to him would not react in time this time and really stabbed himself to death, so he hesitated and did not dare to do it.

But even so, this trick seemed to be very effective. Several disciples nearby hurriedly stepped forward to heal the wounds and stop the bleeding. They looked at Han Qingxue with a bit of doubt in their eyes.

"Qingxue, are you mistaken? Senior Brother Zhan and the others obviously died at the hands of Gu Fenghua and others. What does this have to do with Master?"

"Did Su Muyun tell you something? You must not fall into her trap." Others also asked.

It could be said that they had watched Han Qingxue grow up, and they knew her nature best. It was really hard to believe that she would collude with outsiders to betray the sect like Su Muyun. After thinking about it, there is still a possibility of misunderstanding or being deceived.

"After all, I missed your part. When did you know about it?" At this moment, Changsun Luocang suddenly said.

There was a sudden silence below, and he suddenly looked up at the master. Not only the others, but also Senior Brother Yang who had just used the bitter trick and another old man with blood and tears in his eyes were shocked.

Listening to the meaning behind the master's words, could it be that Han Qingxue didn't misunderstand, let alone talk nonsense, and that Zhan Jiuzhou, Si Liqun, and Luo Yuxuan really cost the master their lives?

Not to mention them, even Gu Fenghua and others were surprised.

Although the eldest grandson Luocang has a bad reputation, that is only to outsiders. All the disciples at Luocang Peak regard him as their reborn parent and wish they could die in retribution.

The deaths of Zhan Jiuzhou and Si Liqun can be said to be a major stain on his life. Once it is made public, he will definitely be betrayed by everyone and be despised by the world.

So when they thought about it, Changsun Luocang would definitely deny it, and the two old men who had shed tears of blood and committed suicide with their swords would probably try their best to explain it to him. Who knew that before these two old men could use their methods, Changsun Luocang himself would admit it frankly.

"It doesn't make sense. Is this old man crazy? Why has he become so bold and generous?" Luo Enen muttered to himself with a confused look on his face.

There are some treacherous and evil people in this world who would rather let me betray the world than let the world betray me. Even though they have done many evil deeds, they are still evil and aboveboard. However, with Changsun Luocang’s virtue, how could he have such heroic spirit? ?

"That's wrong!" Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse shuddered at the same time.

With Changsun Luocang's sinister nature, it would never be possible for him to admit Han Qingxue's accusations so openly, let alone in front of so many people, unless he had been forced to a desperate end and was ready to make a desperate move!

Although they didn't know what trump card he had yet to use, the two of them still realized that something was wrong.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Holy Soul, Heaven Breaks!" Without hesitation, the two of them flew up at the same time.

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Feng Yun, Qian Zhong!" Although Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Fang Tianyou didn't react much, they also noticed something was wrong. They cooperated so well with each other that they didn't need Gu Fenghua's reminder. Almost at the same time, the two of them took action. He drew his sword and struck out at the same time.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Although Zhong Lingxiu didn't have any tacit understanding of cooperation with them, she had been tortured by Gu Fenghua so many times, so she knew her shooting habits best. There was only a slight change in Gu Fenghua's energy, and she immediately reacted, and her attack speed was not any slower than theirs.

"Be safe, be safe!" At the top of the Demon Soul Staff, the beast's eyes suddenly lit up. Amidst the beast's roar, when Kang Yaohun's two fangs flashed, the power of the demon spirit shot out of the air like a spear, and a harsh scream came.

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