My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5322 5322’s eyes are full of pity again

Su Muyun knew Changsun Luocang's temperament better than Gu Fenghua and others, and he also knew better what it meant for him to admit Han Qingxue's accusations so openly. He even made the move faster than Gu Fenghua, just because of the sacrifice. The artifact takes time, so this is only half a step slower.

Six sword rays streaked across the night sky, five of which condensed into one. With the powerful sword power of the ninth-grade emperor, it slashed Changsun Luocang out of the air. When Kang Yaohun's fangs condensed with the power of the demon spirit, two swords were also drawn out. A strange arc flew towards his heart.

At this moment, pure and flawless mysterious haloes suddenly surged from below and merged into Changsun Luocang's eyebrows like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea. In just an instant, his aura increased rapidly.

"Boom!" Several rays of sword light and the fangs condensed with the demonic power of Dang Kang Yaohun fell on him at the same time, and there was an earth-shaking loud noise.

However, the body-protecting holy energy rippled like water waves, and Changsun Luocang only swayed, but was not injured at all.

But Gu Fenghua and others were knocked upside down by the shock, and they flew more than ten feet away before they could stabilize themselves.

How can this be! Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others were shocked.

If Changsun Luocang had gone all out, he would have been able to block their joint attack with swords. However, he did not move and just let them slash him with their swords. At the same time, he also endured the blows of Kang Yaohun and Yaoling. How is this possible despite the power of self-destruction and being unscathed in the end?

"Restricted by heaven and earth!" Gu Fenghua and Zhong Lingxiu spoke at the same time, their expressions solemn.

After their reminder, Luo Enen and others concentrated their thoughts, and then noticed that Changsun Luocang's body actually had the unique energy fluctuations of the heaven and earth restriction.

In Shangguan Haochen, Li Canyang, and Nie Shitian, they had also felt the same energy. At this moment, Changsun Luocang's cultivation had exceeded the peak of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, and he was favored by heaven and earth. Not tolerated.

However, his Holy Soul Taoist body was destroyed in his own hands time and time again, and his cultivation level continued to decline, even falling to the eighth level of Emperor Saint. Even if he relied on some secret method to recover, it would still be impossible to return to this state, right?

"The art of seizing souls!" From behind, Liu Sanjue suddenly exclaimed with shock on his face, looking at the Luocang Peak disciples in front, his eyes full of pity.

The art of stealing souls! Only then did Gu Fenghua and others discover that the mysterious pure and mysterious haloes turned out to be the disciples of Luocang Peak coming from below.

The light lines between their eyebrows swayed, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be innate Holy Spirit roots! At this time, the innate Holy Spirit roots melted like ice and snow under the sun, turning into clear springs that flowed upstream and merged into Changsun Luocang's eyebrows.


"Ah..." Seeing that the master did not move, he pushed Gu Fenghua and others back. The Luo Cang Peak disciples were surprised and happy, and some almost cheered, but soon they realized something was wrong. In his mind, there was a sharp pain like a knife. The Holy Spirit root broke away from the shackles of the body and turned into a clear spring of light, gathering between Changsun Luocang's eyebrows. A series of painful and horrifying screams followed.

"How is this possible? The art of seizing souls can only be used with the Tianque Holy Spirit root. Could it be that they all have the Tianque Holy Spirit root?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhong Lingxiu was shocked and puzzled at the same time.

As a close disciple of Holy Lord Lingji, she certainly knows the art of seizing souls, but as far as she knows, the art of seizing souls can only be used with the Holy Spirit root of Tianque, and this kind of Holy Spirit root is extremely rare, among millions of people It’s hard to have one.

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