My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5334 5334 She wants to take a gamble no matter what

She told so many lies, she didn't know whether she believed it or not, but Liang Ruolan believed it anyway. She thought that even if she asked Zhong Wanying to die for her, she would never hesitate at all, but she never thought that at this critical moment of life and death, she did not die at the hands of her father, but was pierced through the chest by Zhong Wanying's sword and shattered. Got the heart pulse.

"Why, why?" Liang Ruolan looked at Zhong Wanying in disbelief and murmured.

"I don't want to be buried with you." Zhong Wanying said coldly, without any emotion or guilt in her eyes.

She is not stupid, how could she not see what will happen to her next? Although Changsun Luocang has not taken action against Han Qingxue and others yet, that does not mean that he will really let them go. He is not in a hurry to take action. , one is because there are big enemies like Gu Fenghua and others ahead, and the other is because he doesn't take Han Qingxue and others seriously at all.

Once he gets rid of Gu Fenghua and others, even if he wants to kill someone to silence them, he will never give Han Qingxue and others a chance to survive. As for Zhong Wanying, she will certainly not be an exception.

The only way to stop Changsun Luocang is to kill Liang Ruolan. Without her innate Five Yun Holy Spirit Root, Changsun Luocang will not be able to continue to seize the disciple's Holy Spirit Root, and her strength will be greatly reduced. By then, Gu Fenghua Others will never be merciful to him. This is also her only chance to survive.

While speaking, a cold light flashed on Zhong Wanying's sword, and the holy energy that had been accumulated for a long time was injected into it, shattering Liang Ruolan's already torn heart.

"No..." Liang Ruolan let out a desperate scream, and the last trace of life completely disappeared.

Until her death, she still looked at Zhong Wanbao with wide eyes, filled with unwillingness and the pain of being betrayed by her loved ones.

"No..." Changsun Luocang also roared at the same time.

Because of Zhong Wanying's poor qualifications, he had already forgotten her existence. Occasionally he saw her and regarded her as Liang Ruolan's personal maid. He never thought that she would give Liang Ruolan a fatal blow at this most critical moment. hit.

Gu Fenghua and others were also surprised, but they were not surprised by Zhong Wanying's sudden attack. This woman was ruthless and ruthless, and it was not like they didn't know it. I think back then, Gu Fenghua just thought life was boring, so he kept her around to play with treasures for fun, otherwise she would have died countless times.

What surprised them was that while they were trapped in the Cangling Formation, other Luo Cang Peak disciples could not move and could not even commit suicide with anger. However, Zhong Wanying was able to break free from the constraints of the formation and give Zhong Wanying a fatal blow. How did she do it? Arrived?

"Bitch, how dare you mess up my big business, I will cut you into pieces!" Just when they were confused, Changsun Luocang let out a hysterical roar, and slashed at Gu with a long-awaited sword. Fenghua and the others instead slashed down at Zhong Wanying. It seemed that they really hated her.

"Gu Fenghua, save me!" Zhong Wanying had expected it. As soon as she saw Liang Ruolan dying, she immediately flew out of the formation and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others.

She also knew that no matter how fast she ran, she could never run faster than Zhang Sun Luocang's sword, so she could only place her hopes on Gu Fenghua and others.

Of course, she also knew that Gu Fenghua had no good impression of her at all. He had shown extra kindness before not killing her personally, so he might not necessarily save her now. But if Liang Ruolan doesn't die, she will definitely die. As long as she kills Liang Ruolan, even if Gu Fenghua doesn't want to save her, he will never miss this great opportunity to fight back. She will still have a chance to survive, so no matter what, she will Take a gamble.

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