My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5335 5335 This woman is more than cruel

It has to be said that this woman is not only ruthless, but also decisive in killing, and is even more incomparable. Sometimes even Gu Fenghua has to secretly admire her.

It was only then that Gu Fenghua and others suddenly realized why Zhong Wanying could attack Liang Ruolan despite not being controlled by Cangling's formation, because the formation had already been destroyed by Han Qingxue and could not function at all. . The Luocang Peak disciples, including Liang Ruolan, were not restrained by the formation, but were trapped by the restriction that the eldest grandson Luocang secretly left in their Holy Spirit root.

Zhong Wanying's qualifications are mediocre. How could Changsun Luocang use the Tianque Holy Spirit Root that he had finally wrested from her on her body? Naturally, he would not leave any restrictions on her Holy Spirit Root. In other words, if she wanted to escape, she actually had the chance just now.

However, this woman was also really cunning. She saw Han Qingxue and others escaping from the formation. However, she and Liang Ruolan were at the innermost part of the formation, closest to the ice wall, right under the nose of Changsun Luocang, although they were not restricted. She was trapped, but she expected that it would be impossible for Changsun Luocang to watch her escape from the formation like Han Qingxue and others, so she stayed still, held her head, and screamed like the others around her. Changsun Luocang was so focused on guarding against Gu Fenghua and others that he didn't notice anything strange.

It wasn't until Gu Fenghua and others took action again, preparing to fight Changsun Luocang to the death, that she finally seized the opportunity and struck a decisive blow against Liang Ruolan.

Although this woman's qualifications are mediocre, there is something really extraordinary about her being able to pass the Wuji Trial and come from Tianji Continent to Wuji Holy Heaven. With such scheming, not to mention the self-righteous Luocang Peak disciples like Liang Ruolan, even the eldest grandson Luocang was caught off guard by her. After solving this doubt, Gu Fenghua and others felt a little more emotional about Zhong Wanying's scheming.

But now is obviously not the time to express emotion. Just as Changsun Luocang was extremely angry and slashed at Zhong Wanying with his sword, Gu Fenghua and others also seized the opportunity and flew up to slash out with their sword.

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

"Fengyun, Qianzhong!" Several clear shouts sounded at the same time.

Indeed, Gu Fenghua was not in the mood to care about Zhong Wanying's life or death, but just as Zhong Wanying had expected, she would never let it go if she finally found an opportunity to put her eldest grandson Luocang to death. As for whether Zhong Wanying can save her life, it can only depend on her own luck.

"Chaos, the sky opens!" Of course Zhong Lingxiu would not hesitate and used all his strength to unleash his strongest sword. From the moment they started until now, they have never taken advantage. It can even be said that they have been at a disadvantage. Now is their best opportunity.

Su Muyun raised the Demon Soul Staff high. After all, Changsun Luocang had raised her for so many years, and his preference for her even aroused the envy and jealousy of many of her peers. Therefore, she was still somewhat entangled in her heart when she thought of completely turning against Changsun Luocang.

But at this time, after seeing the fate of other Luocang Peak disciples and finally knowing Changsun Luocang's conspiracy, she realized that Changsun Luocang's preference for her was just because of her qualifications, and there was absolutely no relationship between master and disciple. . If she hadn't been needed to sacrifice the demon soul staff, she would still be in Cangling's formation now. Like others, she would be forced to take away the Holy Spirit root by her grandson Luocang, and the final outcome would be death.

The little relationship between master and disciple was gone like water, and all that was left was hatred.

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