My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5341 5341 He can only give in

You chase me and escape, but in just a moment, they are already thousands of feet away. Looking back, the broken space has turned into a looming black spot. If this continues, they will definitely get lost in the abyss. Even he is not sure of finding a way out. Are Gu Fenghua and others really desperate?

Gu Fenghua and the others didn't say anything, they just held the hilt tightly and slowly raised the sword. The moment they broke out of the barrier, they had already put life and death aside, so how could they be swayed by Changsun Luocang's words.

"As long as you let me live, I will give up Qian Qiuxue." Changsun Luocang roared through gritted teeth as he continued to fly forward.

Originally, he had some luck, thinking that Gu Fenghua and others would probably not dare to chase them out of the barrier, and planned to hide near the Broken Space for a while, and then sneak back to Luo Cang Peak after they left, but now it seems that he obviously underestimated them. Gu Fenghua and others' determination. In desperation, he could only give in.

"When the Gu family was wiped out, who thought of letting them live?" Gu Fenghua asked coldly.

Although the distance was getting closer, it was still not at the optimal shooting distance, so she was not in a hurry to take action. After all, their cultivation level was still a little behind Changsun Luocang. Under the turbulent wind, the holy energy was constantly being consumed and they must not be wasted at will. If you don't take action, that's it. Once you do, it's best to kill Changsun Luocang with one sword.

"The Guanghua royal family was brutally massacred. Have you ever thought about letting them live?" Ye Wuse said indifferently, but tears flashed in his eyes again.

"When you killed Jun Xingjian, did you ever think of letting him live?" Fatty Bai also looked sad and angry.

"How many disciples of Luocang Peak were separated from their relatives and even their families were destroyed by you, but they were deceived by you and regarded you as their reborn parents, but you took their lives with your own hands. Have you ever thought of letting them live?" Su Muyun added. It was both anger and sadness, his voice was trembling slightly, and the fingers holding the demon soul staff turned slightly white.

Every time Gu Fenghua and others asked, Changsun Luocang's body trembled, not because of guilt (how could a cold-blooded person like him, who didn't even spare his own daughter, feel guilty), but because of fear? , he knew that no matter how much he surrendered or even begged today, Gu Fenghua and others would never be merciful to him.

"Gu Fenghua, aren't you afraid that I will destroy this extraordinary treasure?" Changsun Luocang raised his hands fiercely and shouted loudly.

It was obviously not a coincidence that Gu Fenghua and others found the Shattered Space. He believed that they also came for Qian Qiuxue. After fighting so hard and experiencing so many dangers, he couldn't believe that Gu Fenghua was willing to watch him destroy this extraterrestrial treasure.

It's a pity that he underestimated Gu Fenghua.

"Then just show it to me." Gu Fenghua said disdainfully.

If Qian Qiuxue was really so easy to destroy, I'm afraid it would have been destroyed countless times. Until now, he didn't believe that Changsun Luocang could destroy Qian Qiuxue.

Gu Fenghua's guess was correct. Changsun Luocang really didn't have this ability.

The last hope was shattered by Gu Fenghua. Changsun Luocang gave up completely and ran forward with his head buried in his chest.

The fierce turbulent wind blew across his body, and streaks of blood flew down. The already chaotic holy energy in his body was consumed rapidly. His speed became slower and slower, and the distance between him and Gu Fenghua and others became closer and closer.

Ten feet, eight feet, seven feet, six foot!

"One sword, cut off the wilderness!"

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!"

"Fengyun, Qianzhong!"

"Chaos, the sky is open!" The indifferent Qing shouted in his ears again.

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