My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5342 5342What really shocked them was

Streams of sword light passed through the turbulent wind, accompanied by rough beast roars, and slashed towards Changsun Luocang. Although the power of the sword was affected to some extent, at such a short distance, the impact was really limited, especially for that For a sword whose concentration of energy is comparable to that of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, its impact is minimal.

"Ah..." Although Changsun Luocang didn't look back, he could still feel the terrifying pressure of the sword, and the hair on his body stood up in fear.

As one of the Eighteen Envoys of the Wuji Holy Heaven, even though he is at the bottom of the list, he has experienced hundreds of battles and has been on the verge of death countless times. However, for the first time in his life, he felt that death was so close to him. Before the sword light fell on him, he let out a desperate scream.

"Stop!" At this moment, a sharp shout sounded.

In the dark abyss, the invisible space was torn apart, and a huge crack suddenly appeared. The majestic and vast energy surged out, blocking Changsun Luocang's back.

boom! Amidst the loud noise, sword rays shattered simultaneously, and Gu Fenghua and others were knocked upside down several feet.

This is... Gu Fenghua and the others were suddenly startled. They looked towards the crack in space and saw a large, illusory hand reaching out from it, grabbing Changsun Luocang and dragging him towards the crack.

The Holy Lord of Heaven!

Behind the big hand, there is an old and majestic face, as illusory and hazy as the big hand, as if it is right in front of you, but also as if it is thousands of miles away. However, Gu Fenghua and others recognized him at a glance as Tianji Saint Lord, one of the three great saints of Wuji Saint Heaven.

As expected of being one of the three masters of Wuji Holy Heaven, Tianji Holy Lord’s strength is actually so powerful. Looking at the torn space, the giant palm that resembled the heavenly spirit from myths and legends, and the majestic face of the Heavenly Lord, Liu Sanjue was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

Not to mention Liu Sanjue, even Zhong Lingxiu, who was a closed disciple of Lord Lingji, looked horrified. Although she often asked her master for advice and often had the opportunity to watch him take action, how could the Holy Lord Lingji show his true strength during the master-disciple competition? This was the first time she knew that the Holy Lord's strength was so tyrannical. Even space can be torn apart.

Gu Fenghua and others were also shocked, but they were not surprised by the strength of Tianji Shengjun. Back in the Donghuang Secret Realm, they had already seen Tianji Holy Lord take action, so what was there to make a fuss about now.

What really shocked them was how the Holy Lord Tianji appeared at this time and saved their eldest grandson Luocang. Could it be that everything Changsun Luocang did was under his control?

Changsun Luocang acted against the will, so he didn't stop him, but he actually came to save him. As a holy king, he was so indifferent to right from wrong! Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua and others felt chilled again.

However, seeing Changsun Luocang being grabbed by that illusory hand and about to enter the space crack, they had no time to think so much, and they unanimously raised their swords again.

The next moment, several people's expressions changed at the same time. The invisible coercion of Tianji Holy Lord was like a huge mountain pressing down on their heads, pressing down on their souls, and the holy energy could not be lifted no matter what.

Could it be that he just watched Changsun Luocang escape from his grasp? Luo Enen and others all looked sad, angry and unwilling.

Even Zhong Lingxiu's eyes were full of powerlessness. She once thought that those who were not qualified but had to embark on the path of cultivation would not deserve sympathy even if they died. The strong respected the weak and preyed on the strong. In front of the strong, the weak were just ants. It wasn't until this moment that she realized that in front of the Heavenly Lord, she was actually just a weak ant.

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