My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5348 5348 The joy suddenly disappeared

Who is this young man? The heart of Tianji Shengjun that had been calm for tens of thousands of years suddenly tightened, and the previous contempt on his face no longer disappeared.

Without thinking much, the other giant palm of the Heavenly Spirit let go of Gu Fenghua and others, and swatted away at the silver dragon.

"Boom!" In the loud noise, the two giant palms of the heavenly spirit shattered, and the silver dragon's body shook violently, and cracks appeared on its body.

What a powerful sword, what a powerful dragon! Seeing this scene, Zhong Lingxiu opened her mouth in shock and couldn't close it for a long time, even Luo Enen and others were no exception.

Although they already knew how strong Ye Yunji was, and knew that his true combat power could never be measured by the level of ordinary holy masters of the same level, they had personally experienced the power of Tianji Holy Lord, and never expected that Ye Yunji would be so powerful. Yun Ji's sword would be so powerful.

Looking at Ye Yunji's tall and upright figure, Luo Enen and others had admiration and fascination on their faces, but Gu Fenghua's eyes were still worried.

"Ignorant young man, you think that you can defeat me with such trivial skills!" The voice of Tianji Shengjun came out from the crack in space again. He seemed a little angry, but his arrogance was not reduced at all.

Before he finished speaking, the two giant palms of the Heavenly Spirit poked out of the crack in space again and swatted down at the silver giant dragon and Ye Yunji behind him.

There were two more loud noises, and the giant palm shattered, but the cracks on the silver dragon also spread like spider webs. Behind him, Ye Yunji's holy soul body also became much more illusory.

The joy on the faces of Luo Enen and others suddenly disappeared and was replaced by deep worry.

Although judging from these two confrontations, Ye Yunji clearly had the upper hand, but after calming down a little and thinking about it, they knew that things were not that simple.

At this time, the Holy Lord Tianji was tearing apart the space to attack them. They were still millions of miles away, so their strength must be greatly reduced. Although Ye Yunji's holy soul Taoist body was much weaker than this deity, but After all, it is hidden in Gu Fenghua's earrings, so his strength is not limited by space. In such a comparison, Ye Yunji's Soul Saint Dao body is still much inferior to Tianji Saint Lord.

The most important thing is that the holy soul body is the condensation of holy energy and spiritual thoughts. It cannot absorb and refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Once the holy energy and divine thoughts are exhausted, it will dissipate invisible. However, even if the strength of Tianji Saint King is limited, he can't absorb and refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. But it can continuously absorb and refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Unless he can be defeated in one fell swoop, Ye Yunji will definitely suffer in the end.

The fact was as they expected. In the cracks in space, giant palms of the Heavenly Spirit were shot out quickly and fell on the silver dragon. Although the giant palms were broken one after another, the cracks on the dragon's body were getting deeper and denser.

"Boom!" Finally, with a loud noise, the silver dragon exploded, turned into thousands of silver stars, and disappeared into the boundless abyss.

A silver light shone before the eyes, and the cracks in the space could not be seen, nor could Ye Yunji's tall figure be seen, but the hearts of Gu Fenghua and others suddenly sank.

Although Gu Fenghua did not finish the hand seal in the end, he was firmly restrained by the giant palm of Tianji Holy Lord Tianling before. Invisible huge force squeezed from all directions. Everyone's meridians were broken and they were seriously injured. Even if Gu Fenghua took the medicine The healing elixir that was refined by one's own hands could not be recovered for a while, and there was no chance to escape at this time.

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