My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5349 5349 I can’t help but feel like a knife.

Seeing that the silver dragon transformed by Ye Yunji's sword light was shattered under the blows of Tianji Holy Lord one after another, everyone's hopes that were finally raised were once again extinguished by a bucket of cold water, and their hearts were filled with despair for a while.

"Yun Ji!" Gu Fenghua suddenly exclaimed, his voice trembling slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of sadness.

Luo Enen and others raised their heads and followed her line of sight, and saw that the tall and illusory figure had taken advantage of the dragon's explosion to fly past, came to the edge of the space crack, and raised the sword again. .

"Seeking death!" Tianji Shengjun roared, seemingly in a panic.

Two giant palms of heavenly spirits condensed and smacked Ye Yunji head-on, but they were half a beat too slow. With a flash of silver light, Ye Yunji rushed into the crack in space.

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise.

In the space crack, a piece of energy was churning, Ye Yunji's figure was swallowed up in it, and the space crack closed quickly! It turns out that Ye Yunji sacrificed his holy soul body to close the space rift.

"Brother Ye!" Luo Enen whispered, and his eyes that were originally filled with tears turned red.

Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse and others bit their lips tightly, with tears glistening in the corners of their eyes.

Although Zhong Lingxiu and Liu Sanjue had no friendship with Ye Yunji, their noses felt sore and their eyes became moist again when they saw the holy soul Taoist body being swallowed up by the churning energy.

Even though the Holy Soul Taoist body is destroyed, this deity will not be in danger of his life, but he will inevitably be seriously injured and his cultivation level will decline significantly.

If you are an ordinary strong person, if your cultivation level drops, just drop it and start practicing again. However, who can condense the Holy Soul Dao Body, who can be an ordinary strong person, who has this ability, who is not the top strong person in Wuji Holy Heaven, every small breakthrough may take thousands of years, if you are not lucky, Well, even if you practice hard for thousands of years, you won’t make any progress at all.

This also means that the young man who just sacrificed his Holy Soul Taoist body may never be able to recover the lost cultivation, and his cultivation may also come to an end, leaving behind a lifetime of regrets.

Gu Fenghua knew that Ye Yunji was different from ordinary people. The consequences of losing this holy soul body might not be so serious, but seeing that tall figure disappearing in front of his eyes, he still couldn't help but feel like a knife.

However, this is obviously not the time for the love between children. Just when the space crack is about to close, a sword light fiercely cuts out, but it does not cut towards them, but towards the depths of the abyss.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua pulled Liu Sanjue and Fang Tianyou, who were the most seriously injured, and fled in the direction opposite to the space crack.

Although she didn't know what Tianji Shengjun wanted to do, the old man even used his sword. He was obviously very angry and must have no reservations. How could she dare to be careless?

Zhong Lingxiu and others also saw the sword light and realized that something was wrong. They did not dare to delay or worry about it, and quickly followed.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." Deep in the abyss, explosions sounded one after another.

The boundless abyss boiled instantly, just like a torch thrown into hot oil, burning violently and exploding! The already chaotic and fierce turbulent wind became extremely violent, like the sea under a storm, setting off thousands of feet of waves, which swallowed up Gu Fenghua and others in an instant.

"Hahahaha, I want to see who can save you!" The ruthless laughter of Tianji Shengjun rang out again, but it was quickly drowned by the rolling waves.

The violent turbulent wind surged from all directions, and the helpless figures were like rootless duckweeds drifting with the current, or like weak wooden boats rolling in the strong wind and huge waves. Sometimes they were thrown to the peak of the huge waves, and sometimes they were hit hard. and dropped to the bottom of the peak.

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