They wanted to rush out of this violent turbulent wind, but the entire abyss was in chaos. Let alone looking for the broken space, they couldn't even tell which was the sky and which was the earth, and where they could rush to. go.

They wanted to gather a Qi shield to protect their bodies, but after being seriously injured, there was not much Holy Qi left in their bodies. They had even begun to burn the power of the Holy Source before. How long can they hold on now?

In just a few moments, the protective air shield broke one after another, and the turbulent wind as sharp as a knife ruthlessly sliced ​​through the body. Behind him, streaks of blood mist fell.

The vitality of the holy energy quickly disappeared, and everyone's faces turned pale.

It turns out that this is the hidden power of the abyss. It is no wonder that even the powerful emperor and envoy have difficulty crossing it. Zhong Lingxiu's eyes were filled with despair.

Although she had been tested before, at every critical moment of life and death, when she really couldn't hold on anymore, someone would always come to her rescue, so she had never really experienced the true despair and helplessness. Until today, facing this mighty power, she finally knew what true despair was.

Facing such power of heaven and earth, she had no fighting spirit or any intention to contend. Blood continued to pour out of her body, and her consciousness gradually became empty, but she still held the teleportation jade talisman tightly in her hand: It seemed that she really couldn't hold on any longer, even if she was unwilling to do anything, I'm reluctant to give up, but if I don't want to die in this abyss, I can only...

Zhong Lingxiu exerted a little force on her fingers, but couldn't help but tremble. She couldn't make up her mind no matter what.

"Lingxiu, be careful!" Suddenly, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and Bai Fatty exclaimed in unison.

Zhong Lingxiu suddenly came back to her senses and saw a violent force, condensed and tangible, like an indestructible long knife striking towards her chest.

Subconsciously, Zhong Lingxiu was about to raise her sword in front of her, but she was so uneasy just now that she couldn't react in time. It wasn't until the long sword condensed by the turbulent wind reached three feet in front of her that she waited at Luo En'en. The man woke up with a start, but it was too late to take action in a hurry.

Although her cultivation level has reached the seventh level of Emperor Saint, she was seriously injured at this time, and her strength is inevitably greatly reduced. I am afraid that she will not even be able to exert the strength of the second level of Emperor Saint. If she is hit by this turbulent wind, she will hit her central veins. , most lives cannot be saved.

It was the first time in her life that she encountered such danger, and the distance was so close. Zhong Lingxiu was so confused that she even forgot to crush the talisman in her hand.

Time seemed to be delayed for a short time, and Zhong Lingxiu watched helplessly as the long knife condensed by the turbulent wind got closer and closer to her. Three feet, two feet, one foot, her heart seemed to fall into an abyss.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of her. Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse stood in front of her at the same time.

"Chi!" Zhong Lingxiu heard the soft sound of the sharp blade cutting through clothes and splitting the body, and saw several bloody arrows raining down from in front of several people.

Although she was lucky enough to escape due to the rescue efforts of Gu Fenghua and others, her heart suddenly hurt, as if she had been pierced and shattered by that long knife, and blood surged all over her body in an instant. So warm.

"Keep on holding on, don't give up!" Gu Fenghua turned around and said to Zhong Lingxiu.

Although her holy robe was stained red with blood and her face became paler, her smile was still so calm.

Luo Enen and others also turned around and glanced at her at this time. Although they didn't say anything, their eyes showed not only concern, but also the pain of being torn apart by the turbulent wind, and they were as calm as Gu Fenghua.

"Yes." Zhong Lingxiu nodded vigorously and threw the teleportation talisman back into the space bracelet.

In order to save her, Gu Fenghua and others risked their lives. How could she leave them and escape alone?

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