My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5366 5366 Will actually marry her?

"I also had a dream, dreaming about returning to glory." Ye Wuse said.

"I dreamed of returning to the Jade Cauldron Sect." Liu Sanjue said briefly.

"I dreamed of breaking the restrictions between heaven and earth, breaking through the limits of cultivation, and going to the supreme heaven." Zhong Lingxiu said.

"I also dreamed about my grandfather and Zihan." Gu Fenghua said.

In fact, her dream was not that simple. In her dream, she was riding in a golden imperial chariot, with dragons and phoenixes in front of her, surrounded by rays of light and mist. She floated down from the nine heavens and returned to the Tianji Continent. Behind her, countless powerful men followed her, crossing the long void. But when she looked carefully, the dream was illusory and blurry. Except for the familiar faces of her grandfather and Zihan in the distance, nothing could be seen clearly.

This dream was too weird and bizarre, so she didn't want to say more about it.

"What about you, beautiful man? Did you also dream about something?" Ye Wuse asked Fatty Bai.

"Hmm, I dreamed that I went back to Tianji Continent with my grandfather, and then..." Fatty Bai said this, and suddenly glanced at Luo Enen, then looked away guiltily, and stopped talking.

"Then what?" Fang Tianyou asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just friends and family gathered together, and then they disappeared." Fatty Bai said with his head lowered. He couldn't tell what his expression was, but he could see that his ears were all red.

There are quirks, there must be quirks! Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse knew Fatty Bai very well. One look at his red-faced face and they knew that his dream was not that simple. There must be something unsaid. However, the two of them did not ask any more questions and were just thinking about something. .

Fortunately, no one asked, it was really embarrassing. How could I have such a strange dream? I didn't want to marry anyone, but I actually married her? Seeing that Gu Fenghua, Ye Wuse and others did not intend to break the casserole and ask for the truth, Fatty Bai breathed a long sigh of relief.

But when he saw Gu Fenghua and others looking down in thought, he felt a little strange. He didn't know what they were thinking.

Fatty Bai was about to ask a question when suddenly an idea came to his mind and he knew what they were wondering about.

When their cultivation reaches their level, even if they are asleep and the holy energy circulates by itself, their mind can easily enter the emptiness and they will not dream at all. Even if you feel restless due to injury, or think about it every day, you may only dream once in a while. How could everyone enter the dream world at the same time today?

No, something is wrong with this! Fatty Bai also became confused.

"Did we forget something very important?" Gu Fenghua suddenly said, looking out the porthole.

Everyone patted their foreheads at the same time and looked outside.

The ancient and desolate earth is suspended in the endless void. The huge barrier is like a circle, covering the earth, and the ethereal light patterns are slightly rippling, like a dream.

"Shattered space!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

They were awakened from coma by Fatty White's shrill scream. Everyone had not yet fully recovered. They thought they had encountered another danger and did not have time to care about their own situation. Then they realized that everyone was at the same time. Falling into a dream, they were even more surprised and did not pay attention to the scene outside. At this time, after hearing Gu Fenghua's reminder, everyone noticed that the Yundu Feizhou had already stopped and fell into another broken space.

Compared with the broken space where Qian Qiuxue was found a month ago, this place is even more desolate and dilapidated. There are even deep cracks on the ground, and it seems that it may break into pieces at any time, and the entire broken space will collapse.

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