My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5367 5367 Where do you think this is?

"What is this place?" As expected of a rough-edged figure, Lorne quickly put the devastating dream behind her and looked at the scene outside the porthole like a curious baby, and said excitedly.

"Go down and take a look." Gu Fenghua said while trying to make fingerprints.

The previous impact was so violent that even they were knocked unconscious. They didn't know how damaged the Yundu Feizhou was, and whether the formation could still be used?

Fortunately, although the seal formation inside the flying boat was as cracked as the dry ground, it was not completely damaged. Following the handprints, the door slowly opened.

Gu Fenghua didn't bother to check the damage of the flying boat and was the first to jump off.

After more than a month, I felt down to earth again, but it felt extremely strange. It was as light as stepping on the clouds, but when I looked down, I couldn't see anything strange.

"What a strange feeling." Luo Enen and others jumped off the ground and noticed something strange, and said in surprise.

Looking up and looking around, shrouded in the huge barrier, the entire broken space is blurred with light and shadow, as if in a dream, but it feels unprecedentedly ethereal, peaceful and peaceful.

However, no matter how peaceful and peaceful they feel, thinking about the huge whirlpool and the helplessness and powerlessness along the way, Gu Fenghua and others still dare not take it lightly. Subconsciously, everyone closed their eyes slightly at the same time, focused their thoughts and explored the surroundings.

Soon, they opened their eyes again, with surprise and solemn expressions in their eyes.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this broken space is so abundant and pure. When you are in it, it is like being immersed in the Seven Stars Spiritual Pond again. It feels even more abundant and purer than the spiritual energy in the Seven Stars Spiritual Pond.

It is a good thing to have abundant spiritual energy, but the problem is that the spiritual energy here is too pure, so pure that they cannot feel the charm of the great avenue of the five elements of heaven and earth. The so-called aura of heaven and earth, as the name suggests, naturally comes from the earth, and naturally contains the principles of the yin and yang of heaven and earth and the five elements of creation and restraint. But why does the aura here not have any charm of the five elements of heaven and earth?

Not to mention Gu Fenghua and others, even Zhong Lingxiu, a disciple of the Holy Lord, had never heard of such a weird thing.

"Fenghua, this place is a bit weird, why don't we leave as soon as possible." Liu Sanjue said cautiously.

Gu Fenghua hesitated for a moment, this place was indeed too weird, but strangely, she felt peaceful and peaceful, but she didn't feel any uneasiness at all. Otherwise, take a closer look, maybe there will be some unexpected opportunities? Opportunities and crises coexist. They can step by step from Tianji Continent to Wuji Holy Heaven, and reach their current level of cultivation step by step, not by practicing quietly behind closed doors.

But thinking about the huge vortex before, that mysterious force that was so powerful that even the Flying Boat formation could not compete with it at full speed, she was somewhat worried. After all, this time, in addition to her, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty Ye Wuse, and others, there were also Zhong Lingxiu and Liu Sanjue. They accidentally dragged them into a feud with Changsun Luocang, and also made a grudge against Tianji Shengjun, which almost cost them their lives. , Gu Fenghua already felt guilty and did not dare to let them take risks casually.

"Come and leave whenever you want. What kind of place do you think this is?" Just as Gu Fenghua hesitated, an old voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is it?" Gu Fenghua and others had just focused their thoughts to investigate for a long time, but they didn't feel the presence of outsiders. When they heard the sudden sound, they were all shocked and grabbed the sword fiercely.

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