My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5374 5374 My skills are pretty good, right?

As soon as the steaming barbecue was in my mouth, the rich aroma spread between my teeth and cheeks, as if it was immersed in my heart and soul. In an instant, all the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy filled the heart, making people want to cry, laugh, and sing loudly. When these emotions gradually subsided, the lingering fragrance between the teeth and cheeks became even more unforgettable. It’s also even more addictive.

Their minds were so caught up in it that Gu Fenghua and others couldn't even remember when they finished eating the barbecue in their hands.

"How is it? My skills are pretty good, right?" It wasn't until the old man's proud voice sounded again that everyone woke up from a dream. Looking at my hands, not to mention the barbecue, even the chicken and rabbit bones have been chewed to the bone.

Having seen this kind of starving ghost reincarnation in other people before, Gu Fenghua and others were secretly amused without saying anything. They never thought that one day it would be their turn to be reincarnated as a starving ghost, and they couldn't help but blush secretly.

"Senior, how did you do that?" Gu Fenghua looked at the old man sheepishly and asked with admiration.

To be honest, compared to the taste alone, she believed that her long-honed barbecue skills were definitely not inferior to the old man, but it was absolutely impossible to integrate all kinds of emotions into it. Not to mention barbecue, even Shengdan couldn't do it. .

Gu Fenghua admired the old man's barbecue skills so much that she even thought that this might no longer be a barbecue skill, but a superb alchemy technique.

"Hahahaha, with this Seven Emotions Tree, anyone can do it." The old man laughed, his eyes clearly showing some narrow-mindedness.

"Seven Emotions Tree?" Gu Fenghua looked at the dead tree behind the old man and suddenly came to his senses.

The old man was able to integrate all kinds of emotions into the barbecue, which made people want to stop eating. It turned out that he did not rely on barbecue skills, let alone alchemy, but on this ancient tree that had long since dried up. However, she thought about it carefully in her mind, but she didn't have the slightest impression of the name of this ancient tree.

"Human beings have seven emotions, joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and surprise. Even if the Saint Master's cultivation is unparalleled, he can't escape the cycle of life and death, nor can he escape the joys and sorrows, so he will be no exception.

Your cultivation level is still low now, and you still cannot feel the impact of the seven emotions on your cultivation level. When your cultivation level gets higher in the future and you are affected by the seven emotions when you break through, you may go crazy and become possessed. At least, your cultivation level will be completely destroyed, and at worst, your cultivation level will be completely destroyed. Then the soul will fly away. "The old man saw Gu Fenghua's doubts, but he didn't explain the origin of the Seven Love Tree, he just said to himself.

Is your cultivation level still low? Hearing the old man's words, Gu Fenghua and others felt a little strange. The cultivation level of Emperor Saint's sixth and seventh grade, let alone Tianji Continent, even if placed in Wuji Holy Heaven, is an existence that countless people can only look up to. If this is still considered low, I'm afraid there are really not many people in the world. He can be called a master. But although it felt a little weird, considering the old man's unfathomable strength, they really couldn't refute it.

"This Seven Emotions Tree can arouse the seven emotions in your heart, thereby tempering your mind, which will be of great benefit to your future cultivation." Ignoring what Gu Fenghua and others were thinking, the old man continued.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." Gu Fenghua and others were overjoyed and quickly bowed to the old man to thank him.

Although as the old man said, they did not feel that the seven emotions had any impact on their cultivation, but they knew that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the requirements for spiritual thoughts, so they did not doubt the old man's words. Besides, with his strength, if he really wanted to harm them, he wouldn't need to go around and tell lies. Wouldn't it be better to just do it directly? Why waste your breath.

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