My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5375 5375 You have collected a lot of good treasures

To put it another way, even if he just said it, the Seven Emotions Tree is not that useful at all. It is also good for barbecue. Well, the thinking of a foodie is so different.

"Wait a minute, I'm just telling you that this Seven Emotions Tree will be of great benefit to your future cultivation, and I didn't say I would give it to you. Why are you so happy?" Just when Gu Fenghua and others were jumping for joy, The old man stopped again and again, poured a basin of cold water on his face with a straight face.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others realize that they were happy too early. Others only mentioned the usefulness of the Seven Love Tree, but never said that it would be given to them. Gu Fenghua wanted to put forward some conditions to see if they could get some Seven Emotions Tree branches in exchange, but felt that with their strength, in front of such an unfathomable powerhouse, they couldn't put forward any conditions that would make others' hearts flutter. . The group of people smiled coquettishly, not knowing how to speak at all.

"That's all, it's fate that we met each other. If you really want this Seven Emotions Tree, I can give you a few branches." Gu Fenghua and others were secretly worried when the old man said again.

"Then thank you, senior. If you have any requests, senior, just ask. As long as the junior can fulfill it, I will never refuse." Hearing what he meant, it was obviously not for nothing. Gu Fenghua understood it and said immediately.

As for what conditions he would put forward, Gu Fenghua didn't bother to think too much. Anyway, with the other party's strength, if they had malicious intentions, they might not have any chance to resist, so why bother themselves.

"That Qianqiu Snow on you is a bit interesting, how about you let me study it for a few days?" The old man did not hide it, but made the offer openly.

He was generous, but Gu Fenghua could never be generous. Although he was mentally prepared and knew that the conditions proposed by the old man would not be too simple, he also knew that with his strength, he would have to agree whether he agreed or not, but when the words "Qian Qiuxue" came into the In his ears, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but exclaimed: "How did you know?"

After all, it only took her more than a month to get Qian Qiuxue, and she had not left the Abyss yet. How did the old man know this?

Luo Enen and others were also taken aback. At the same time, they took half a step back, pressed their hands on the hilt of their swords, and looked at the old man with alert expressions.

"When I was looking for chicken and rabbit meat in your storage bracelet, I took a quick look at it. You collected quite a few good treasures." The old man said lightly.

"What!" Luo Enen and others exclaimed.

They thought that the washed and skinned pheasants and hares were all prepared by the old man himself. They were still curious: how long had he been in this broken space, and how much did he have to prepare to eat until now? After hearing this, I realized that the pheasants and rabbits I just ate were all taken out of Gu Fenghua's storage bracelet.

You must know that the storage bracelet has restrictions. Unless the owner opens it himself, no matter how strong the strength is, no matter how strong the spiritual will is, he will not be able to penetrate it. But this old man not only put his spiritual thoughts into Gu Fenghua's storage bracelet, but even took something out without her knowledge. This... how is this possible?

Although the old man did not appear to have any malicious intent, there was still a layer of cold sweat on the hands of Luo Enen and others who were holding the sword hilt tightly.

"Senior, if you want to see it, you can just take it yourself. What are you asking me for?" Gu Fenghua said with a wry smile, but he was much calmer than Luo Enen and others.

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