My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5376 5376 As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people.

Since the other party could take out the pheasant and hare from her storage bracelet without anyone noticing, it was even easier to get Qian Qiuxue. After all, Qian Qiuxue was much smaller than the pheasant and hare. In fact, let alone stealing it, even if he wanted to rob it openly, Gu Fenghua would be helpless.

"How can that be done? If you don't ask for it, it's theft. Old man, I will keep my name clean for the rest of my life, but I don't want to lose it when I grow old." The old man said righteously.

The corners of Gu Fenghua and others' mouths twitched at the same time: Regardless of whether it was stealing, how did the roast chicken and rabbit appear just now? Could it be that it flew out on its own? I wish I could clear my name for the rest of my life, but you can say it out loud.

"Old sir, when you took the pheasant and hare from Fenghua's storage bracelet just now, you didn't seem to have asked her, right?" Gu Fenghua and others were a little better. They were worried about the old man's strength and didn't say much. They just secretly cursed in their hearts. , Luo Enen didn't think so much and asked with a look of contempt.

It has to be said that Miss Luo is very courageous, and she dares to speak like this in the face of such an unfathomable strong man.

"Little girl, what do you know? As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. Is there anything in this world that is more important than heaven? Therefore, taking other things without asking yourself is considered stealing. Eating food without asking yourself is just considered stealing. Take it, it can’t be counted as plagiarism!” The old man’s neck stiffened, and he glared at Luo Enen and said confidently.

Well... Food is the most important thing for people. This is a very good and powerful reason. Luo Enen stared blankly at the confident old man, unable to refute at all, nor did he want to refute. She suddenly felt that as a foodie, she had only satisfied her appetite, but her spiritual world needed to be sublimated. There was still a long way to go.

"Have you thought about it?" Seeing that Luo Enen was "sincerely convinced" and was rendered speechless by his own rebuttal, the old man was satisfied and turned to ask Gu Fenghua.

"Deal!" Gu Fenghua took out the Qianqiuxue that he hadn't even had time to comprehend, and handed it to the old man readily.

Although the excuse that "food is the most important thing for the people" is a bit shameless, it is precisely because of the shamelessness that it proves that he has no intention of taking anything by force, so Gu Fenghua feels relieved. Of course, this is secondary. The most important thing is that with the old man's strength, whether it is stealing, robbing, or "taking", she has no power to resist, so she might as well just forget it. Anyway, it’s just a few days of enlightenment, so there’s nothing to lose. She wasn't worried about the old man's tricks, because he didn't have the need.

The old man was quite generous. He took Qian Qiuxue, turned around, broke off a large piece of tree and threw it to Gu Fenghua. Then he ignored them, sat down cross-legged, concentrated his mind and began to comprehend the Qian Qiuxue in his hand.

The broken space returned to its previous silence. The old man sat cross-legged motionless. Although he was right in front of him, he seemed to be integrated with the dead trees behind him and the ancient broken earth.

"Fenghua, we came here to find him, didn't we want to ask him to help us get out of here?" Luo Enen saw that the old man was no longer moving, so he gathered his energy and sent a message to Gu Fenghua.

"Don't worry, there is plenty of spiritual energy here, which should be of great benefit to cultivation." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

Before, he was in a hurry to leave, partly because this broken space was full of weirdness, and partly because the old man's strength was unfathomable, so he tried not to provoke him as much as possible, but now that he has come to the door, Gu Fenghua is not in a hurry. They had to leave - of course, without the help of this old man, they couldn't leave even if they wanted to, so they might as well take advantage of this opportunity to practice hard.

Ye Wuse and others guessed what she was thinking, and with the idea of ​​settling in as soon as they came, they sat down to practice at the same time.

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