My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5387 5387 This kindness and virtue

"What a powerful spiritual thought!" Fang Tianyou exclaimed in a low voice.

"What a mysterious handprint!" Luo Enen looked in admiration.

She had seen Gu Fenghua save people with acupuncture more than once, and knew that even with Gu Fenghua's exquisite medical skills, he could only control hundreds of golden needles at most at a time. At this time, the old man could actually control tens of thousands of spiritual powers with his spiritual thoughts. What a powerful spiritual thought, what a mysterious hand seal, and how terrifying his strength must be.

"Fenghua, colorless..." Just as everyone was secretly amazed, Xie Youran shouted loudly and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Youran!" Gu Fenghua and others came to Xie Youran's side at the same time, tears of joy bursting out of their eyes uncontrollably.

"Quick, let's go!" Xie Youran had not yet woken up from the painful memories. When he saw Gu Fenghua and others, his first reaction was to urge them to leave the dangerous situation.

"It's okay, everything is over, it's okay." Gu Fenghua held Xie Youran's hand tightly and said comfortingly.

Only then did Xie Youran notice that the scene around him was completely different from the memory in his mind. Looking at Gu Fenghua, then at Fatty Bai, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse and Fang Tianyou, looking at their face pets who were much more mature than before, they were a little confused for a moment.

"Thank you, senior, for rescuing me. I will never be able to repay this kindness with death!" Gu Fenghua knew that Xie Youran had just woken up, and his mind was inevitably confused. He was not in a hurry to reminisce about the past, so he stood up and bowed deeply to the old man, saying gratefully.

"What a great kindness, I will never forget it!" Luo Enen and others also stood up and bowed to the old man.

Just after holding Xie Youran's hand, they all gathered their minds to investigate and left. They were surprised to find that Xie Youran, who had survived the disaster, not only had no injuries on his body, bones, or soul, but was even as strong as them, as if he had been reborn from Nirvana.

Needless to say, they all knew that without the help of this old man, even if Gu Fenghua got Qian Qiu Xue, it would be difficult to rescue Xie Youran in such a short time. Even if he was rescued, it would be impossible for him to be reborn without any injuries. .

"He just woke up and was in a difficult mood for a while. You chat with him for a while and don't worry about me." The old man accepted their bow calmly, collected the Qianqiuxue in the air, and handed it back to Gu Fenghua. Then he returned to the tree, sat down cross-legged again, and closed his eyes.

It seemed that the hand seal just now should have consumed a lot of his energy. Gu Fenghua and others did not dare to disturb him and returned to Xie Youran.

"Fenghua, where is this place?" Xie Youran asked Gu Fenghua after clearing his thoughts a little and feeling much calmer.

"This is the abyss." Gu Fenghua answered.

"Abyss?" Xie Youran exclaimed.

Born in the Xinghua Temple, he had some understanding of Wuji Holy Heaven. He knew that the boundary between Wuji Holy Heaven and Tianji Continent was the Netherworld Sand Sea and the Heavenly Chasm Abyss. However, he didn't know how they ended up in the Heavenly Chasm Abyss, and it was even more unimaginable. How could there be such a desolate land in the abyss that was rumored to be difficult for even the strongest men to cross?

"The Abyss is on the edge of the Far North Icefield. After we left Beiyuan City, we first went to the ancient ruins..." Seeing his doubts, Luo Enen rushed to explain.

"Far North Icefield, Beiyuan City?" It was okay if she didn't explain, but once she explained, Xie Youran became even more confused.

"Well, let's start from the beginning, from the time you came to Wuji Holy Heaven." Gu Fenghua interrupted Luo Enen and said.

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