My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5388 5388 You go, I can’t leave yet

She could see that Xie Youran probably fell into the ancient ruins as soon as he arrived at Wuji Holy Heaven, so he basically knew nothing about Wuji Holy Heaven. If he didn't start from the beginning, the more he talked about it, the more he would get confused. Is at a loss.

Luo Enen and others also reacted at this time, sorted out their thoughts, and talked in detail about the various experiences they had experienced after arriving at Wuji Holy Heaven. During this period, Xie Youran also talked about his own experience.

Contrary to what Gu Fenghua guessed, he did not fall directly into the ancient ruins, but fell into the far north ice field. Then, his mind was controlled, and he came to the ancient ruins in a daze, and was refined into the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd. Qi Yin suffered the pain of burning his body and forging his soul under the fire of the weapon. He was just a little short of being turned into dust and smoke and his soul was extinguished.

Of course, at that time, he didn't know about the Arctic Icefield or the Nine-Tian World-Destroying Gourd. He only suddenly realized it after listening to the stories of Gu Fenghua and others.

Xie Youran's experience after coming to Wuji Holy Heaven was extremely simple, but it was much more complicated for Gu Fenghua and others. Although they tried their best to focus on the key points, many less important points were mentioned in one sentence, but it still took a whole time. It took two days to finish.

After finally stopping talking and sighing with Xie Youran for a while, Gu Fenghua turned to look at the old man, but didn't know when he came behind him.

"Senior!" Gu Fenghua and others quickly stood up and saluted.

"I've had enough rest these days. If there's nothing else, let's go." The old man waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite, and then said.

"Can we leave?" Gu Fenghua and others said in surprise.

During these days, they only focused on cutting their pulses and cleansing their marrow. They never mentioned leaving again. The old man suddenly brought it up, which was really a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, but whether you can walk or not depends on you. I think it shouldn't be a big problem." The old man turned his head and looked to one side, and said leisurely.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others notice that a stone staircase appeared out of thin air in the distance. It was more than three feet wide and extremely majestic. However, the stone staircase was broken in the middle, and the remaining half was also fragmented. It gave people a strange and inexplicable feeling. The desolate and tragic feeling.

"Go ahead and keep going up the stone stairs. As long as you can cross the last floor, you can leave." The old man didn't explain much, just pointed at the stone stairs and said.

Although there are too many adventures in this broken space, Gu Fenghua and others have too many concerns in their hearts and cannot stay here forever. Seeing that the old man obviously didn't want to explain the origin of the stone staircase, they knew enough not to ask any more questions, and without hesitation, they walked towards the stone staircase.

However, after walking a few steps, he found that the old man had not moved, so he stopped again and asked, "Senior, aren't you leaving?"

"You go, I can't leave yet." The old man said with a smile.

"Why?" Although he knew he couldn't get an answer if he asked, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but ask.

She could clearly hear that the old man didn't mean that he couldn't leave, but that he couldn't leave.

"If I leave now, Wuji Shengtian will probably be destroyed." To Gu Fenghua's surprise, this time, the old man gave the answer.

"What?" Gu Fenghua and others were shocked. No matter how hard he tries to figure it out, what does his inability to leave this broken space have to do with the safety and survival of Wuji Holy Heaven.

"It's a long story. When your strength reaches the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, we will still have a day to meet, and then you will understand." The old man waved his hand and said no more.

"Yeah." Although the old man didn't explain much, Gu Fenghua and others had no doubts about his words. They nodded and continued walking towards the stone stairs, but their steps were unusually slow and heavy.

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