My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5400 5400 Is she the benefactor? !

Ji Shixun's expression changed, and he quickly separated from the crowd and strode forward.

Only then did Gu Fenghua and others notice that in the middle of the crowd, several sturdy young men were carrying a door panel. There was a woman lying on the door panel. The woman's body was covered in blood, her face was half covered with long hair, and her face could not be seen clearly.

Out of curiosity, several people followed him.

"Benefactor..." As soon as Ji Shixun arrived, he held the woman's pulse, then cried out sadly, and two lines of thick tears fell down his cheeks.

Obviously, the woman's injuries were too serious and she was afraid that she would be unable to save her life. The crowd around her also started crying bitterly.

"My lords, please save this benefactor." Ji Shixun thought of something, turned around suddenly, and once again bowed down to Gu Fenghua and others.

"Please save this benefactor!" The people around him also knelt down again.

"Pu Jiaojiao!" Looking at the woman, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others exclaimed in unison.

As they got closer, they finally saw the woman's face clearly. Although her face was dusty and stained with blood, Gu Fenghua and others recognized at a glance that the woman in front of them was Aunt Pu Jiaojiao Pu, whom they had met once before in Guzhou City.

Didn't she follow Pu Duanyang back to the Jade Cauldron Sect? Why did she appear here, and how could she be injured like this? Gu Fenghua, full of questions, stretched out his hand to hold Pu Jiaojiao's veins and probed with his spiritual mind.

"Sir, do you recognize this benefactor?" Ji Shixun was also shocked when he saw the reactions of Gu Fenghua and others.

"Hmm, we have some connection with her. How did she become your benefactor?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

They were most aware of Pu Jiaojiao's dissolute and dissolute temperament. They couldn't think of anything good she could do, but somehow she became the benefactor of Ji Shixun and others.

"That day when we escaped from Zhongping City, we were chased by a total of four bloodthirsty demon lizards. Thanks to this benefactor's help, he killed two of them with a magical weapon and joined forces with us to kill one, so we were able to I escaped and fled all the way here, but my benefactor was also seriously injured in that battle." Ji Shixun answered concisely and clearly.

It turned out to be the case, and Gu Fenghua and others suddenly realized. It seems that although Pu Jiaojiao is a bit wild, her nature is not bad.

"Senior Gu, can my benefactor be saved?" After finishing speaking, Ji Shixun asked worriedly.

Before, I didn't know the names of Gu Fenghua and others, so he could still refer to them as "adults" in general. But now that he knew their names, he couldn't call them that way, so he changed his name to "senior". Young is still young, but after all, his strength is there, and he is called "senior" for granted.

"It's okay. Get up quickly. Don't worry about her injury." Gu Fenghua took out a few holy pills and fed them into Pu Jiaojiao's mouth, then waved his sleeves and touched her body quickly with his fingers.

Pu Jiaojiao was indeed seriously injured. Not only did her meridians and Qi sea rupture, but there were also several cracks in her heart veins. If it were anyone else, she might not be able to save her. But for Gu Fenghua, as long as her heart veins are not completely broken, , the soul has not completely disappeared. Unlike Xie Youran, who was made into a weapon spirit and her foundation was severely damaged, it is really not difficult to save her life.

The power of the elixir melted away, and as Gu Fenghua's fingering quickly spread throughout the body, Pu Jiaojiao's injuries healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vitality that was quietly passing away gradually recovered, and a bit of blush returned to her lifeless face.

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