My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5401 5401 Treat him as one of your own

Seeing this scene, Ji Shixun and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, their faces full of joy, not the slightest bit surprised.

This is a strong person of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, the real top strong person of Wuji Holy Heaven. To most people in the world, he is almost a powerful existence in legend. No matter how mysterious things happen to her, It won't surprise anyone.

"Dad..." Finally, Pu Jiaojiao opened her eyes and shouted.

"My benefactor is fine, my benefactor is fine." There were cheers from the crowd, and many people cried with joy.

"Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, you, why are you here?" Seeing the crowd around her, Pu Jiaojiao gradually woke up, turned her head, and was startled again when she saw Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others, and subconsciously shuddered. Shivering.

Obviously, what happened in Guzhou City last time left a big psychological shadow on her, especially Miss Luo.

"I happened to be passing by." Gu Fenghua patted her hand to express comfort, and then asked, "Didn't you and Elder Pu go back to the Jade Cauldron Sect? Why are you here?"

When Elder Pu was mentioned, Pu Jiaojiao's expression changed.

Noticing the change in her expression, Gu Fenghua and others' hearts sank slightly: Could it be that something happened to the Jade Cauldron Sect?

Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Ji Shixun was also shocked: It turns out that his benefactor is a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, which is the most mysterious and transcendent sect in the Spiritual Realm. Even the major holy sects cannot match it. Although he is the lord of a city, facing such a sect, Ji Shixun can only be relaxed and fascinated.

However, the next moment, when he saw Pu Jiaojiao's actions, he could no longer be fascinated.

"Gu Fenghua, please save my dad, save my dad." Pu Jiaojiao rolled over and rolled down the door panel, knelt down in front of Gu Fenghua, tears bursting from her eyes.

"Jiaojiao, what happened?" Liu Sanjue stepped forward quickly, helped Pu Jiaojiao up, and asked worriedly.

"That day when I left Guzhou City and returned to the Jade Cauldron Sect, my father made an investigation and secretly conducted an investigation, hoping to clear Uncle Liu's grievances. Unexpectedly, the matter was exposed, and he was thrown into the clan prison by the sect leader for seeking power and usurping the throne, and for deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors. , I happened to be in seclusion in the back mountain and broke through, and I quickly escaped from the Jade Cauldron Sect after hearing the news." Pu Jiaojiao replied, tears flowing like a flood that broke a bank.

"Qin Guancheng, it is indeed him!" Liu Sanjue clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

He has always suspected that the person who harmed him was the senior brother who hurt him, that is, the current leader of the Jade Cauldron Sect, Qin Guancheng. Because he was expelled from the school, he benefited the most. But suspicion is just suspicion after all, and he is not sure. Moreover, he and Qin Guancheng grew up together since childhood and practiced together. Although they were not connected by blood, they were like brothers. Deep down in his heart, Liu Sanjue did not want it to be him.

But the facts are right in front of us. If he wasn't guilty of being a thief, why would Qin Guancheng accuse Pu Duanyang of seeking power, usurping the throne, deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors? Why would he be thrown into a clan prison?

Thinking of the original brotherhood and the unfair injustice he suffered over the years, Liu Sanjue was filled with grief and indignation.

"Uncle Liu, please save my dad, save my dad." Pu Jiaojiao begged with tears streaming down her face.

"Jiaojiao, don't worry. Elder Pu was implicated by me. I will return to the Jade Cauldron Sect immediately." Liu Sanjue said loudly.

"Let's go too." Luo Enen said immediately.

Although she usually enjoyed bickering with the old man, in her heart she had already regarded Liu Sanjue as one of her own, and of course she would not stand idly by.

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