My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5402 5402 is already a great honor and favor

"By the way, where is this place?" Gu Fenghua asked.

She had originally promised Liu Sanjue to help him clear his grievances, and Pu Duanyang was persuaded by her before agreeing to return to the Jade Cauldron Sect to help find out the truth. Now that something happened to Pu Duanyang, she would certainly not stay out of it. However, if they leave at this time, they don't know whether Ji Shixun and others can reach Beiyuan City safely. If the distance is not far, it is better to send them to Beiyuan City first, and then go to Jade Cauldron Sect.

Luo Enen and others looked up and looked around, feeling a little confused.

The Wuji Holy Heaven is much wider than the Tianji Continent, and among the three extreme areas, the Lingji Area is the largest. There are many desolate places that even Liu Sanjue and Zhong Lingxiu have never been to. For a moment, they really don’t know where they are. Wherever you are.

"Ahead is the Yuping Mountain Range. This is the southern foot of the mountain range. It's only about five thousand miles away from Beiyuan City. We can just go there by ourselves without bothering the seniors." Ji Shixun guessed Gu Fenghua's intention and said proactively.

Of course he also knew that with the strength of people like them, if they encountered the Purple Soul Beast again on the way, their lives would probably be in danger and they would never reach Beiyuan City alive. However, if Gu Fenghua and others saved them once, it would be a huge blow to them. How could I dare to cause them to miss their business again if they received such honor and favor from me?

Luo Enen and others didn't think much about it at first, but after hearing what Ji Shixun said, they couldn't bear to abandon them like this.

"Let's do this. I'll send City Lord Ji and others to Beiyuan City, and you guys will go to the Jade Cauldron Sect first." Su Muyun said.

"Sister..." Fang Tianyou looked at Su Muyun with a look of reluctance.

"You are so old, why do you still need your sister to take you with you all day long?" Su Muyun said jokingly.

Fang Tianyou blushed and was embarrassed to say anything more.

"Do you know where the Jade Cauldron Sect is?" Gu Fenghua asked Su Muyun.

Su Muyun raised the Demonic Soul Staff in his hand and motioned to Fang Tianyou with his eyes.

Gu Fenghua immediately realized that the six senses of monsters are stronger than humans. All of the five monster souls in Su Muyun's ghost staff are legendary ancient beasts or alien species. As long as Fang Tianyou is It's definitely not difficult to find them if they leave some demon soul mark on their body.

"Okay, I'll thank you for the hard work." Gu Fenghua made a quick decision and said to Su Muyun.

Although Su Muyun's cultivation in the early stage of the eighth-level Holy Emperor is not the strongest among everyone, looking at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, there are not many who are stronger than her. With the addition of the Demonic Soul Staff, even if you encounter someone like Yuqi The Purple Soul Beast is also capable of fighting, and it protects Ji Shixun and others from going to Beiyuan City without any risk.

In fact, they had seen Ji Shixun and others in danger before. They were too anxious and did not realize how far their strength had been promoted, so they took action at the same time. Otherwise, any one of them would be enough to destroy those purple soul beasts until nothing is left.

"By the way, do you want to go back with us?" Gu Fenghua asked Fang Tianyou, whose face was slightly red but still reluctant to leave Su Muyun.

"Forget it, I'll just go with you. There should be nothing serious in Beiyuan City. Sister, just go back and tell them that I'm fine." Fang Tianyou hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and said.

He has also heard about the name of the Jade Cauldron Sect. If the sect-protecting formation is activated, Gu Fenghua and others may not be able to take advantage even with the strength of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. He is now at least the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, so he can help to some extent. If you are so busy, how can you leave them and go back to Beiyuan City?

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