My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5403 5403 Gu Fenghua regrets

"Okay, City Lord Ji, let's leave now." Seeing Fang Tianyou's decision, Su Muyun said to Ji Shixun with a face filled with relief.

Ji Shixun had seen Su Muyun take action and knew how strong she was, so he was overjoyed and thanked her profusely.

Afterwards, everyone in Zhongping City, accompanied by Su Muyun, headed to Beiyuan City. After walking for a while, they stopped again and bowed to Gu Fenghua and others. Even though they were far apart, Gu Fenghua and others could still see in their eyes. Those tears of gratitude.

After watching them leave, Gu Fenghua took out the Flying Boat from the storage bracelet.

Although I haven't really set foot in the Lingji Territory, the map of the Lingji Territory has long been imprinted in my mind. Knowing that this is the southern foot of the Yuping Mountains, it is not difficult to find the direction. Liu Sanjue and Pu Jiaojiao should not be connected. You don’t know where your sect is, right?

"This, this is the Flying Boat across the Clouds!" Pu Jiaojiao looked shocked.

It’s no wonder that she didn’t know enough. There were only a few cloud-crossing flying boats in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, and each one was jointly built by countless ancient weapon masters. After those masters of the weapon path died one by one, Wuji Shengtian's spiritual energy became increasingly thinner, and the weapon path gradually declined, making it impossible to build a new cloud-crossing flying boat.

No matter who it is, they will be equally surprised when they see the cloud-crossing flying boat that Gu Fenghua personally refined.

"Let's go." Gu Fenghua was not interested in showing off in front of her. He opened the door calmly and was the first to enter the flying boat.

Before coming to the control formation, everyone performed hand seals with ease, their feet shook slightly, and the flying boat flew into the sky.

"This cloud-crossing flying boat can really fly!" Pu Jiaojiao was even more shocked as she looked at the land and hills passing quickly below.

She also took a ride on a flying boat. She knew that the so-called flying boat could not fly and could only lift a few feet off the ground. However, she did not expect that the flying boat could really fly into the sky.

"Of course, this flying boat that crosses the clouds was made by Fenghua himself." Gu Fenghua was not interested in showing off, but Luo Enen was very interested. He glanced at Pu Jiaojiao and almost said, "It's rare for a bumpkin to have no experience" and so on. The words are engraved on the forehead.

"I didn't expect Senior Gu's weapon refining skills to be so exquisite and mysterious! Although the Jade Cauldron Sect is known as the three masters of the alchemy array, when it comes to weapon refining skills, no one can compare with Senior Gu." Pu Jiaojiao said with emotion, her words full of flattery.

Unexpectedly, the arrogant and domineering Aunt Pu would also flatter her, and Gu Fenghua and others really couldn't get used to it.

"I said, can you wipe your face first?" Gu Fenghua glanced at Pu Jiaojiao and said.

The tears had not dried yet, and deep ravines appeared on her face, as if she had been slashed dozens of times with a blunt knife. I really admire this woman, she put on such thick powder when running for her life.

"Oh, I'm going to wipe it off, I'm going to wipe it off." Pu Jiaojiao knew that Gu Fenghua and others couldn't stand the way she looked with heavy makeup, so she quickly took out her handkerchief and wiped it hard on her face.

"..." Gu Fenghua regretted, he really shouldn't have let her wipe his face.

It was okay not to wipe it, but once it was wiped, dust and smoke were flying in the cabin, as if one were in a thick morning mist, and the pungent aroma assaulted the nostrils, making people dizzy.

"Master Liu, you know the way. It's better for you to come. I'm a little tired. I'll go back to my room and rest for a while." Gu Fenghua said to Liu Sanjue. Without waiting for his reply, he quickly ran away.

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