My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5427 5427 The little girl with no eyesight

"The forbidden barrier of Purple Heaven Prison is broken, and the survival of Wuji Holy Heaven is on the line. All strong people need to work together to overcome the difficulties. Besides, I don't want to be an enemy of Nanming Lord. Even if you don't mention it, I will not hurt his life. ." Gu Fenghua said.

The two of them just chatted casually, and did not deliberately gather their energy to transmit sounds. The conversation fell into the ears of Chen Yanjun and others word for word. All the powerful men of the Holy Sect looked at each other thoughtfully.

Previously, Chu Qingxuan specifically emphasized Wei Qingkong's identity, and they thought she was reminding Gu Fenghua to be more careful and not to underestimate Wei Qingkong's strength. But after hearing this, I suddenly realized that I had completely gone astray. She was indeed reminding Gu Fenghua to be careful, but she was careful not to hurt Wei Qingkong's life.

If Chu Qingxuan had spoken more clearly at that time, they would probably have scoffed at it, but now, after quietly looking at the fingerprints on Wei Qingkong's face that had not completely dissipated, they felt that her reminder was indeed very reasonable and meaningful. necessary.

Of course Wei Qingkong also heard the conversation between the two, and her face became darker: You little girl with no eyesight, didn't you see that I took back my holy energy and took the initiative to hit her in the palm? If not, who would win? It’s not necessarily clear who will bear the blame?

"No, this mute can't just accept the loss like this. I must find an opportunity to compete with her again in the future. No matter what, I must wash away today's shame!" Wei Qingkong secretly made up his mind.

Soon, everyone reached the middle of the valley, and Wei Qingkong and others in front slowed down.

"Are you here?" Luo Enen looked forward curiously, but did not see the sect's main hall.

"No, the sect is built in the deepest part of Jade Cauldron Valley, about six or seven miles away." Liu Sanjue replied. Although they were anxious, the people in front slowed down, so they could only slow down.

"Ahead is the third forbidden barrier, which is not completely closed yet. There is only one exit left." Chu Qingxuan explained while following the team slowly forward.

Gu Fenghua looked forward carefully, and sure enough, in front of him, the formations were empty and looming, forming a huge forbidden barrier, which was obviously not completely closed yet. If it is closed, the formation plate will disappear and the entire prohibition barrier will be integrated. Unless it is the person who set up the prohibition barrier, it will be difficult for outsiders to open it with the help of the formation sealing technique, and they can only break it by force.

At this time, there was a small door left in the barrier, which could only allow two people to pass side by side, so the speed was much slower.

"How big is this forbidden barrier?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"The outermost restricted barrier has a radius of more than twenty miles, the middle one has a radius of ten miles, and the innermost area has a radius of about five miles." Chu Qingxuan answered.

Gu Fenghua frowned. The smaller the barrier, the more concentrated the power of restraint is and the less likely it is to be broken. On the contrary, the larger the barrier, the more dispersed the power of restraint is and the more fragile it is. With such a huge forbidden barrier, it is not a big problem to imprison ordinary holy masters, but it is very difficult to trap the purple soul beast!

"Why is it so troublesome? Can't it be enough to just lay three forbidden barriers together to block the cracks?" Although Luo Enen has no ambitions and doesn't like to use his brain, he still understands the most basic principles of formations. asked strangely.

"There is no way. These formation disks are not refined by us, but are refined by all the masters. Many of them are from the hands of other formation masters, so the grades are uneven. Although they were originally made according to a prohibition The world comes to prepare, but don’t talk about us, even Master and the others may have difficulty setting up a prohibition barrier, so they can only break it up and form three prohibitions."

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