My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5428 5428 Actually this is not all bad

"As for placing the forbidden barrier directly at the exit of the crack, we have also thought about this, but when we rushed over, the Jade Cauldron Valley was surrounded by purple soul beasts. After finally killing the purple soul beasts outside, the number in the valley was More. We fought all the way to the depths of the valley and saw the sect master's hall, but we couldn't kill him anymore, so we could only set up a restrictive barrier on the spot." Chu Qingxuan explained helplessly.

"Actually, this is not all a bad thing. After one restrictive barrier is breached, there are still two more that can be held on for a while, which can at least delay it for some time." Xiang Wushang added.

"So that's it." Gu Fenghua finally understood. He didn't say anything more, but he felt a little disapproval in his heart.

When it comes to delaying time, combining the three restrictive barriers into one is actually more unbreakable and will delay it longer. But if you can't do that, there's nothing you can do.

As she walked, she looked at the formation disks and pondered the principles of the formations in them.

Passing through the third forbidden barrier in turn, everyone speeded up and rushed towards the second barrier.

"Isn't the forbidden barrier almost finished? Why go back?" Fang Tianyou asked in confusion.

"Check again to see if there are any omissions." Chu Qingxuan replied. After speaking, he looked at Liu Sanjue and Pu Jiaojiao, who looked anxious, and added, "By the way, let's see if the people from the Jade Cauldron Sect can break out. If they can, there is still a glimmer of hope."

When she said this, her voice was a little low, and she obviously didn't have much hope.

Hearing this, Liu Sanjue and Pu Jiaojiao looked even more miserable.

If the people from the Jade Cauldron Sect could rush out, they would have rushed out long ago. The longer they were dragged behind, the more purple soul beasts appeared in the Wuji Holy Sky, and the smaller their hope of rushing out actually became.

Finally, they passed through the second forbidden barrier and entered the depths of the Jade Cauldron Valley. After walking for another mile or two, Wei Qingkong and others stopped. It was obvious that the last forbidden barrier was ahead of them.

This time, Gu Fenghua no longer saw the looming array disk floating in the sky, only the illusory barrier.

The purple soul beasts were rushing outwards frantically, waving their sharp claws, and ripples like water waves rippled on the barrier. Occasionally, a crack appeared, and the violent beast's roar echoed between heaven and earth, but soon, the crack repaired itself, and the beast's roar stopped abruptly.

Gu Fenghua breathed a sigh of relief. Although the range of the prohibition barrier was too large and the power of the prohibition was too scattered, after all, the array disks were made by the envoys and formation masters. At least for a while, the purple soul beast could not break the barrier. boundary.

In the last barrier was the Jade Cauldron Sect. At this time, all the ancient and magnificent sect buildings collapsed and turned into piles of ruins. Only a solemn hall stood majestically. It goes without saying that this is the main hall of the Jade Cauldron Sect.

Outside the main hall of the sect, the unique fantasy light of the barrier also appeared, and nearly a thousand purple soul beasts rushed towards the barrier from all directions. Light patterns rippled, and the solemn hall also swayed.

When Gu Fenghua and others arrived, a gap was opened in the barrier protecting the palace. Several purple soul beasts squeezed into the gap and went straight towards the palace door.

Although they were still separated by two layers of barriers, Gu Fenghua and others could clearly see that the hall was crowded with hundreds of Jade Cauldron Sect disciples. Most of them were in a state of depression, and some even fell to the ground. It seems that the Purple Sky Prison barrier suddenly broke, leaving the Jade Cauldron Sect unprepared, and many disciples were seriously injured.

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