My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5433 5433 must be trying to frame herself

"On purpose, she deliberately humiliated me. I, Wei Qingkong, will never fight her until death!" Wei Qingkong was completely mad. He didn't listen to their persuasion and was still struggling hard.

However, Chen Yanjun and others were not weak in strength. Seven or eight strong men from the fifth and sixth levels of the Emperor Saint moved at the same time to restrain various vital points on his body. He could not break free for a while, and the blood surged from his face with anger, and the five finger prints It is also more colorful and eye-catching.

Gu Fenghua also heard Wei Qingkong's hysterical roar, and felt innocent again.

Chen Yanjun and others were right, she really didn't mean it this time. I can only blame Wei Qingkong himself. A powerful man of the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint has such poor adaptability. He clearly saw that he had opened the barrier and the Purple Soul Beast was about to break out of the gap, but he didn't immediately draw his sword and take action. , but stood there in a daze.

At that moment, Gu Fenghua really had the urge to kill him with a sword, but thinking about his sect and family background, he gave up the idea and waved him away with a palm. Who knows, this guy was stunned in front of him, but now he came back to his senses. It doesn't matter if you come to your senses, why don't you give in quickly and get away? This guy not only didn't give in, but turned his head stupidly and said hello to me, saying "hello". Please, is it time to say hello? Why did you go so early?

Gu Fenghua had no time to stop, so he could only watch as he put his face in front of her, and was slapped away cleanly by his backhand.

Gu Fenghua suddenly felt that this guy must be trying to frame him. Fortunately, the Holy Master has sharp eyes, and with Chen Yanjun and others testifying for her, she will feel confident even if Nan Mingjun's envoys come.

Ignoring Wei Qingkong, the next moment, the long sword wrapped in silk cloth had been slashed out: "One sword, cut off the great wilderness!"

The dazzling sword light fell heavily on the bloodthirsty demon lizard. In just a blink of an eye, the demonic beast, which was comparable to the first-grade Emperor Saint and whose defense power was almost comparable to that of the third-grade Emperor Saint, turned into nothingness.

Before the remaining power of the sword light was exhausted, it continued to extend backwards, and the purple soul beasts crowded behind the bloodthirsty demon lizard were vaporized one after another. The dense herd of beasts was cut into a straight passage.

Under the influence of the residual power, the surrounding beasts undulated like waves, and each purple soul beast rose up, with blood and stumps falling down. A series of pitiful beast roars also spread from the gap in the barrier, resounding throughout the world.

Wei Qingkong no longer struggled or roared, but had a look of horror on his face.

Ninth Grade Emperor Saint! Gu Fenghua's strength was actually at the ninth level of Emperor Sage, and at the mid-level of Ninth Level Emperor Sage.

She originally thought that the slap she received on the face by Gu Fenghua was because she had withdrawn some of her holy energy, which allowed her to succeed by luck. When he saw the nine golden holy beads between her eyebrows, Wei Qingkong knew that he was wrong, a big mistake. Even if he didn't take back the slightest bit of holy energy, and even risked his life, he still couldn't escape that slap.

Vaguely, he also understood why Gu Fenghua didn't draw his sword. It was because he suddenly withdrew his holy energy. If she drew her sword, he would probably die!

By the way, it seems that you were thinking of finding a chance to compete with her again just now, but you didn't say it out loud, right? Wei Qingkong thought about it carefully, but he didn't say anything about what he was thinking, so he let out a long sigh of relief.

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