Next to him, Wei Qiuyun was already trembling with fear.

A ninth-grade Emperor Saint, he actually offended a ninth-grade Emperor Saint! It's over, this time it's dead.

If the Tianji Continent only respects the strong, then in the Wuji Continent, it is the law of the jungle and the strong, and the hierarchies are more clearly defined. A mere second emperor sage dared to slander and provoke a ninth-grade emperor sage. Even if he was slapped into a pulp, no one would sympathize with him.

Wei Qiuyun turned his eyes to his elder brother for help, but only saw the horror on Wei Qingkong's face. He was obviously frightened by Gu Fenghua's strength. Even his biggest supporter is so scared, who can save him? Wei Qiuyun felt a chill in his heart and collapsed to the ground in despair.

Mu Chengjie and others were also very frightened. Although they did not attack Gu Fenghua and were not disrespectful in their words (in fact, Wei Qiuyun wanted to show off his prestige and did not give them a chance to speak), but they had previously helped Wei Qiuyun conceal The fact was that Gu Fenghua was offended a lot. If Gu Fenghua is determined to argue with them, they will be doomed.

Not to mention them, even Chen Yanjun and other powerful men from the Holy Sect looked at each other with uneasiness in their eyes. Although they themselves have not offended Gu Fenghua, Wei Qiuyun, Wei Chengjie and others are all disciples of their major holy sects. If Gu Fenghua insists on arguing, they have nothing to do.

If Shangguan Haochen only supported her, they wouldn't be too worried. It was just a small misunderstanding. No matter how unreasonable Mr. Haochen was, it would be impossible to destroy their major holy sects. Besides, the world is in chaos now, Shangguan Haochen As the head of the Eighteen Lords, it is impossible for him to ignore the overall situation.

But the problem is, Gu Fenghua herself is a strong person in the middle stage of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, so why does she need Shangguan Haochen to support her? If she deliberately wants to embarrass their holy sects, even if there is no one to support them, she will still make it difficult for them. If they don't make trouble, they may even be annihilated. Not everyone is qualified to offend the majesty of the ninth grade emperor sage. of.

It has to be said that they think too much. I habitually judge Gu Fenghua with the strongest person in the Wuji Holy Heaven, but I don’t know that Gu Fenghua is from the Tianji Continent. He doesn’t have the bad habit of treating the weak as ants. How could he kill people just because of this little displeasure? Zong.

Besides, Wei Qingkong received two slaps inexplicably. No matter how unhappy Gu Fenghua was, he still had enough anger. The fifth young lady of the Gu family is not the kind of person who will always retaliate against others. At least in this situation, she has always been very generous.

"Lingxiu, stay here, Master Liu, yes, come with me." Of course, Gu Fenghua didn't know what they were thinking or worrying about. He gave a simple order and rushed into the barrier.

"By the way, hello." Before leaving, Gu Fenghua specially said hello to Wei Qingkong. Although Wei Qingkong was a little late in saying hello, she couldn't lose her etiquette. For those two slaps, Miss Gu's fifth daughter was actually a little apologetic.

"Uh...what are you doing?" Wei Qingkong looked confused as he watched Gu Fenghua enter the barrier.

Luo Enen and others were well prepared, and as soon as Gu Fenghua entered the barrier, they followed him without hesitation.

The ferocity of the Purple Soul Beast is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary monsters. Although he has seen the power of Gu Fenghua's sword and seen hundreds of his companions die tragically under the sword, he has not felt timid. Stimulated by the bloody aura, he became even more crazy than before.

Amid the roar, the herd of beasts surged in from all directions like rolling waves.

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