Although Gu Fenghua only opened a small gap in the forbidden barrier, which was easier to defend, but she continued to attack with all her strength, and her holy energy was also depleted. At this time, her body was also exhausted, and the fingers holding the sword were shaking slightly. trembling. Under the crazy impact of the purple soul beast, in just a moment, the gap was half enlarged, and it could already allow a bloodthirsty demon lizard to pass through easily.

If this continues, she may not be able to hold on anymore.

Wei Qingkong and others just woke up from a dream, and quickly gathered around, each drawing their swords and slashing at the purple soul beast behind the gap.

At this point, it was impossible for them to criticize Gu Fenghua. The only thing they could do was to hold on to the gap and prevent any purple soul beast from breaking out of the barrier and breaking into the Wuji Holy Heaven.

Moreover, this is also a great opportunity to show goodwill to Gu Fenghua and others. If they try their best to help them, they will no longer care about the past results.

With this thought in mind, Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others tried their best, almost even using the strength to feed themselves.

Although the strength of the vast majority of them was far inferior to that of Gu Fenghua and others, they were better in numbers. Sword rays fell down one after another, and the purple soul beasts behind the barrier fell one after another.

With their participation, Gu Fenghua and others suddenly felt the pressure was relieved. While killing the purple soul beasts that came up, they advanced towards the sect master's hall.

Smelling the scent of Gu Fenghua and others, most of the purple soul beasts that besieged the sect master's hall rushed toward them, but there were still hundreds of them that continued to attack the hall barrier.

Fantasy light patterns rippled like water waves, and the majestic hall still shook violently.

Looking at this, the defensive formation in the main hall of the sect may not last long. Once the formation is broken, the remaining disciples of the Jade Cauldron Sect may not be spared - as long as they still have some resistance, they will "deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors" It is impossible for Pu Duanyang, who seeks power and usurps the throne, to be released from the sect.

The top priority now is to save Pu Duanyang and others. As for the purple soul beast, as long as Zhong Lingxiu firmly blocks the gap in the barrier, he can kill it slowly in a while.

In front of the main hall, Pu Duanyang was shaking, looking at Gu Fenghua and others who were approaching, his face was full of surprise, and his body was trembling with excitement.

"Someone is coming, someone is coming to save us!" Several young disciples who were slightly injured limped out of the hall. They were about to support Pu Duanyang when they saw Gu Fenghua and others. They were startled at first, and then shouted in surprise. call.

Hearing the commotion, other Jade Cauldron Sect disciples also went out one after another. Seeing the young figures approaching one after another, a burst of excited cheers broke out.

It has been seven days since the Purple Soul Beast suddenly appeared. It has been seven days today. In the past seven days, nearly a thousand Jade Cauldron Sect disciples suffered misfortunes and became delicacies in the mouth of the Purple Soul Beast. Although they hid in the sect master's hall in time and relied on defensive methods to escape the disaster, the defensive barrier was constantly being torn apart, and they were continuously torn apart. After a hard fight, everyone was injured. Although the sect leader released Elder Pu in time and allowed them to hold on for one more day, how long could he hold on with only him and such an injury?

Of course, they also saw Wei Qingkong and others, who tried to ask for help, but the other party was unmoved. They just set up a forbidden barrier as quickly as possible, imprisoning them and the Purple Soul Beast.

They knew that the other party was helpless. A mere hundred people, even if they have good strength, will never be able to stop such a group of purple soul beasts, let alone kill them all. It is actually the wisest decision to set up a restrictive barrier as soon as possible to prevent them from wandering into the Wuji Holy Heaven and harming the common people.

They were not resentful, but faced with this wise choice, they felt even more desperate.

Who would have thought that when they were at their most desperate and helpless, someone would rush into the barrier, killing the purple soul beasts, and keep getting closer to them.

At this moment, everyone cheered loudly and shed tears of joy.

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