My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5437 5437 invited such strong support

Gu Fenghua and others struck out with sword after sword, getting closer and closer to the main hall of the sect leader, and young faces came into the eyes of everyone in the Jade Cauldron Sect.

"Who are these people? They are so powerful at such a young age!" An old man stood at the door of the hall with the support of his disciples, looking at the holy beads flashing between the eyebrows of Gu Fenghua and others, and said in surprise.

Emperor Saint seventh grade...eighth grade...nineth grade! He has never heard that Wuji Holy Heaven has such a young top powerhouse.

"Isn't that Pu Jiaojiao?" Someone with sharp eyes noticed Pu Jiaojiao being protected by Gu Fenghua and others, and looked even more surprised.

Outsiders can see through Pu Jiaojiao's character at a glance. As a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, of course he knows it very well. If it weren't for Pu Duanyang's identity as an elder and her dissolute habits, she would not have known she was expelled. How many times have I left the sect? No one expected that she would call in such strong support at a critical moment.

"That old man looks familiar, as if he has seen him before." A middle-aged man saw Liu Sanjue next to Pu Jiaojiao, with a look of confusion on his face.

He was a ancestral disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, so he naturally recognized Liu Sanjue, but he was still young when Liu Sanjue was expelled from the sect. After seeing him again after so many years, he couldn't remember who he was.

"Liu Shangyuan, he's back too." The old man who just spoke said with a complicated expression.

"Is he Liu Shangyuan?" Looking at the seven golden holy beads between Liu Sanjue's eyebrows, the younger disciples exclaimed.

Back then, Liu Shangyuan suddenly struck a vicious blow and seriously injured his senior brother during a competition with his fellow disciples. As a result, the spiritual root of the sect leader was damaged. He has not been able to recover to this day, and it is difficult to improve his cultivation. This matter is not a secret in the Jade Cauldron Sect.

Although Liu Shangyuan was expelled from the Jade Cauldron Sect afterwards, the disciples of the Jade Cauldron Sect still felt deeply aggrieved by their sect leader and contacted all the major sects privately, intending to kill Liu Shangyuan to avenge their sect leader's blood. It wasn't until they received the news that Liu Shangyuan had escaped from the Spiritual Realm that they stopped. But he didn't expect that Liu Sanjue would return to the Jade Cauldron Sect at this time, let alone that he would have such a level of cultivation.

The seventh-grade Emperor Saint, this is the seventh-grade Emperor Saint! You must know that the seriously injured elder next to you is only a sixth-grade Emperor Saint. Liu Shangyuan made a big mistake in his early years and was expelled from the master. It is said that he has not yet reached the realm of Emperor Saint. He has been wandering outside these years, needing resources but not enough. , If you don’t have any skills, how can you reach the seventh level of Emperor Saint?

"Yes, he is Liu Shangyuan." At this time, a pale old man staggered to the door, looked at Liu Sanjue, and said in a low voice.

"Sir, your injury has not healed yet. Please take good care of yourself first. We will be fine here." The two old men quickly supported Qin Guancheng and said worriedly.

"I haven't seen him for many years. I didn't expect him to have such cultivation. He is worthy of being the number one prodigy of our Jade Cauldron Sect! No wonder the old sect leader valued him so much back then. The position of sect leader should have been his." Qin Guancheng ignored them, still watching Liu Sanjue from a distance, and said with a complicated expression.

After hearing Qin Guancheng's words, everyone felt a little strange and their expressions became complicated.

The younger disciples of the Jade Cauldron Sect may not be too clear about what happened back then, but the older ones all know that Liu Shangyuan was extremely talented and was regarded as the successor by the previous sect leader early on. If he hadn't made a big mistake in a moment of confusion, The position of sect leader belongs to him.

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