"Let's go." At this time, Qin Guancheng, who was carried out of the sect master's hall, sat up with difficulty and said to Pu Duanyang and others.

"Master Sect Master, you..." Pu Duanyang and the other elders' hearts sank. Hearing this, Qin Guancheng seemed unwilling to leave.

"Back then, Shang Yuan got a jade frost glazed bamboo by chance. I won't go into details about the miraculous effects of the jade frost glazed bamboo. I believe you all know it, but what you don't know is that if the heart-refining night flower is used, When used together with jade frost glazed bamboo, the medicinal properties can penetrate into the blood and disturb people's minds. When Shang Yuan fought with me, he suddenly went crazy and seriously injured me. It was because of this." Before they could finish speaking, Qin Guancheng waved his hand and continued.

"What, Lianxin Youyehua and Yushuang Glazed Bamboo have such an effect when used together?" Some young disciples said in surprise. Several elders and some older disciples had already guessed something and did not speak, but their expressions became unusually heavy.

"I have read the sect's classics from cover to cover, but I have never heard of this." An old man with a dull and honest look said strangely.

"Because I have destroyed the classics that recorded this matter, and I also planted the few Lianxin Youye flowers at Shang Yuan's residence with my own hands," Qin Guancheng said.

"Sir Sect Master, you..." At this moment, even the slowest person could understand what was going on. Looking at the haggard Qin Guancheng, they felt unbelievable and sad. Many people were too ashamed to lift their heads.

Because the sect leader injured his spiritual roots, it has been difficult to achieve success in cultivation these years. After reaching the third level of Emperor Saint, he has not made any progress. They blame all this on Liu Sanjue, thinking that Liu Sanjue was trying to win over the sect leader. He then attacked Qin Guancheng cruelly, but he didn't know that it turned out that the real person who attacked Qin Guancheng was not Liu Sanjue, but Qin Guancheng himself.

"Sir, how could you do such a despicable and shameless thing!" An elder raised his head, stamped his feet, and said to Qin Guancheng sadly.

"A single thought can harm others and yourself." Qin Guancheng sighed and said, "Don't call me sect leader again. A shameless person like me is not qualified to sit in the position of sect leader."

"Shang Yuan, this position of sect leader was originally yours. Today I return it to its original owner. I have been sorry for you all these years, but others have also been deceived by me without any fault. I hope you will remember Master's love. , lead them to rebuild the sect, and don’t destroy the Jade Cauldron Sect’s ten thousand years of foundation.” Before anyone could speak, Qin Guancheng said to Liu Sanjue again with an expectant look on his face.

Liu Sanjue smiled bitterly. Previously, his biggest wish was to wash away his grievances and avenge Qin Guancheng, but now that he was really wronged, he was not as excited as expected.

He could see that at this time, Qin Guancheng's spiritual roots were not only destroyed, but his heart was also torn apart, and he was just struggling to hold on with his breath. As the saying goes, a person's words are good when he is about to die. Today, Qin Guancheng made public what he did in the past, presumably for this reason.

In fact, his medical skills would definitely not be able to save Qin Guancheng's life, and they could only help him survive for a few days. If Fenghua is willing to take action, there is still some hope, but Qin Guancheng confesses everything that happened back then in public, obviously he wants to die. In fact, after making such a big mistake, even if his heart was intact, he probably wouldn't want to live in this world anymore.

When a person dies, the lamp goes out, and the past grudges and grudges turn into clouds of smoke. Recalling the brotherhood between the two of them in the past, Liu Sanjue felt inexplicably sad. He was so disheartened that he would not be tempted by the position of sect leader.

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