My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5444 I’m sorry about what happened back then.

"Senior Brother Liu, my mother was still talking about you before she died, saying that you just made an honest mistake back then. When the Jade Cauldron Sect returns to the Wuji Holy Heaven in the future, if there is a chance, she will take you back to the sect and let you return to your roots." At this time, A middle-aged woman spoke.

"Master's wife, Master's wife, did you really say that?" Liu Sanjue asked excitedly. This middle-aged woman is the only daughter of the previous sect master and his youngest junior sister.

"I was also present at the time, and this is indeed what the master's wife ordered." Pu Duanyang sighed and said.

"Master's wife..." Old Liu Sanjue burst into tears and choked with sobs.

He was originally an orphan, and was picked up by his master's wife to return to the Jade Cauldron Sect when he was young. Although he is called master and apprentice, his master's wife treats him as if he were her own child, even better than her own daughter. Hearing that his wife did not complain about him and was still thinking about him even when she was dying, Liu Sanjue felt happy and sad. He had mixed feelings for a while, and the last trace of resentment in his heart disappeared.

"I promise you that rebuilding the Jade Cauldron Sect will never ruin the sect's ten thousand-year foundation." Liu Sanjue wiped away his tears and said to Qin Guancheng.

"There is also this sect treasure, please keep it carefully." After hearing Liu Sanjue's agreement, Qin Guancheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, took out another scroll and handed it to Liu Sanjue's hand.

"Is this?" Liu San looked at Qin Guancheng with no confusion.

Pu Duanyang and others also looked puzzled. Not to mention the ordinary disciples, even the elders didn't know that the Jade Cauldron Sect had such a sect treasure.

"This is a relic left by the founder of the sect. According to the order of the founder, if the disaster strikes again one day, the scroll can be opened." Qin Guancheng said.

"I understand." Liu Sanjue solemnly put away the scroll.

Now there are still beasts roaring deep in the Jade Cauldron Valley, and the seal on the scroll is strong. It is unknown how many seals have been laid. It is obviously not the time to open the scroll.

"Junior brother, I'm sorry for what happened back then, and... thank you very much." Qin Guancheng stood up with difficulty and bowed deeply to Liu Sanjue.

Liu Sanjue subconsciously stretched out his hand to help him, but when he reached halfway, he suddenly stopped.

Just when he said the last word, Qin Guancheng burned the last remaining power of the Holy Source, completely shattering his heart, and his vitality disappeared in an instant.

Pu Duanyang and others soon noticed something strange, and they all looked sad.

Although Qin Guancheng had conspired to frame Liu Sanjue in order to gain the position of sect leader, he had worked diligently and diligently over the years, and despite his poor cultivation, he could still be regarded as a wise master. In order to protect the disciples of the sect, he fought to the death in a sudden disaster. In the end, his spiritual roots were destroyed and his heart was broken.

Seeing him die right in front of their eyes, everyone had mixed feelings.

"Let's go." Liu Sanjue sighed secretly and said to everyone.

"Yes, Lord Sect Master." Pu Duanyang and others put aside their distracting thoughts and bowed in response.

They also know that Jade Cauldron Valley is not a place to stay for a long time, and the top priority right now is to leave as soon as possible and choose a place to rebuild the sect.

Liu Sanjue led a group of Jade Cauldron Sect disciples and walked quickly out of the valley. After walking a few steps, he found that Gu Fenghua had not moved and stopped in confusion.

"You take them away first, and I'll go to the back mountain to take a look." Gu Fenghua felt his gaze and turned around and said.

After saying that, without waiting for Liu Sanjue's reply, she went straight to the depths of the valley. Luo Enen and others followed immediately without even thinking.

"You retreat outside the barrier. If a purple soul beast appears, you can't let it escape from the valley even if you risk your life." Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others hesitated for a moment, then ordered the young disciples to follow them. behind.

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