My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5446 5446 But the problem is

"Fenghua, what's wrong?" Luo Enen asked in confusion.

Wei Qingkong and others turned around with curious expressions on their faces.

"This space crack does not seem to be a natural rupture, but is caused by manpower." Gu Fenghua said.

After careful exploration with her spiritual mind over and over again, she unexpectedly discovered that around the crack in the space, there was a faint trace of Qi remaining after the seal was broken. Even though this energy was extremely weak, it could not hide from her powerful spiritual thoughts.

"What?" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

The Purple Heaven Prison barrier was unstable and would break from time to time over the years, so Mo Qingqiu had long been worried that sooner or later the barrier would be completely broken, and the world would be destroyed again. The other envoys knew as much about Purple Heaven Prison as he did, and actually had the same worries.

Therefore, this time, cracks in the barrier appeared in various places in the three extreme areas, and the Purple Soul Beast wreaked havoc on the Wuji Holy Heaven. Everyone thought that this was the limit of the Purple Heaven Prison's forbidden barrier, and no one thought that this was something that could be done by human power.

"It's impossible. If you break the Purple Heaven Prison, don't you just want to destroy the entire Wuji Holy Heaven? Who would do such an unforgivable thing? How can you say that you have such ability? Besides, the three major realms are almost at the same time. If there is a space crack, can he still master the clone technique?" Wei Qingkong said doubtfully.

If he wasn't afraid of Gu Fenghua's strength, he would probably sneer at him.

"I can't make wild guesses about who would do such a thing. I won't say more about who has such ability, but it is not difficult to break the crack at the same time." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said, "As long as the barrier is broken in advance , and then use the sealing technique to seal the cracks while leaving flaws, then you only need a spiritual thought to open the cracks, and it is not difficult to open several or dozens of space cracks at the same time."

"But this way, the requirements for strength are even higher, and if you use your spiritual thoughts to open more than a dozen seals at the same time, how strong your spiritual thoughts should be?" Wei Qingkong was even more surprised when Gu Fenghua said this.

"The requirements for strength are high, but your master can do it, and so can the three saints." Gu Fenghua said.

In fact, with her current level of cultivation in the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, coupled with her powerful spiritual will that is far superior to that of a Saint Master at the same level, she can do it as long as she is given enough time. This last step doesn't even need to be done personally. As long as you use the magic weapon of the formation disk to imprint the divine soul in it, and find a few people who are not too weak to do it, you can still open the cracks.

"Master, as an envoy of the emperor, how could he do such an unconscionable thing? Of course it is even more impossible for the Holy Lord," Chu Qingxuan said.

"I'm just giving you an example. There are many powerful people who are hidden in the world, such as Fulong Xin. He can also do it." Gu Fenghua smiled, fearing that Chu Qingxuan would be dissatisfied, so he changed his explanation. .

The remaining sealed energy around the space crack was too weak, and without such a powerful spiritual mind as hers, it would have been impossible to discover it, so she didn't want to argue with Chu Qingxuan and others, and it was pointless to argue.

"That's true." Chu Qingxuan nodded.

"You can still remove the three prohibitive seals outside, right?" Gu Fenghua changed the topic and asked Chu Qingxuan.

"Okay." Chu Qingxuan replied subconsciously, and then gave Gu Fenghua a strange look.

The two outer restrictive barriers were not completed to begin with. Of course they can be removed. The inner one was completed, but it didn't take long. They basically still remembered the location of the array disk. They could remove it with some effort. But the question is, why To be demolished?

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