My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5447 5447 I think she is a bit whimsical

"Then dismantle it immediately. I will refine the formation disk again and form a forbidden barrier to completely seal this space crack." Gu Fenghua said.

"What!" Everyone around him exclaimed again.

Not to mention Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others, even Chu Qingxuan looked at Gu Fenghua with a strange look.

The reason why they split a forbidden barrier into three is because the formation disks that form the forbidden barrier were not made by one person, but were refined separately by the envoys and many formation masters. They have different strengths and weapons. With different attainments, even the understanding of the weapon path is different, and the grades of the refined formation disks vary from high to low.

Let alone them, even if it were replaced by any envoy himself, it would be difficult to easily establish a ban.

As for re-tempering the formation disk, of course some people have thought of this method, but just like the magic weapon, once the formation disk is refined, it is difficult to temper it again. Even if someone can barely do it, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The second is that the improvement is limited, and the third is that the risk of damage is too great, so it is better to simply refine a new formation.

Gu Fenghua actually wanted to temper the formation plate again, and Chu Qingxuan thought she was a bit whimsical.

"Sister Gu, are you really sure?" Chu Qingxuan couldn't help but ask.

In order to divide the formation disk that was supposed to form a restriction into three parts, they had really put a lot of thought into it. When it came time to do it, they had to go through a lot of troubles. To say that they worked hard would not be an exaggeration.

Now let them dismantle the formation plate. If Gu Fenghua can really succeed in tempering it for the second time, it will be fine. If not, let them arrange it again. It makes them feel scared just thinking about it.

I'm sure, she's pretty sure, so let's just mess around. Wei Qingkong almost blurted out subconsciously, but as he spoke, he remembered that Gu Fenghua hadn't even bothered with Wei Qiuyun yet. If he offended her and changed his mind to hold on to Wei Qiuyun, he couldn't protect his idiot brother, so he stayed true to his words. Really swallowed the words back.

"Absolutely." Gu Fenghua said.

One of the wonderful uses of Tianxuan Weapon Art is that it can re-temper magical weapons, and even divine weapons can be re-tempered. Although the properties of the formation disk are similar to magical weapons, fundamentally speaking, they are not considered magical weapons, let alone It’s not easy to get a divine weapon and re-temper it.

However, Gu Fenghua could see that Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others had suffered a big blow from the strength he had shown before, and he did not want to continue hurting their fragile hearts, so he kept a low profile and did not want to appear too arrogant.

It's a pity that Gu Fenghua's good intentions are not enough in the eyes of Wei Qiuyun and others, and they are quite complaining: Almost? So how far is it from? Since we are not completely sure, isn't it just deliberately torturing people?

"Okay, let's do it now." Among the people, Xiang Wushang knew Gu Fenghua best. Seeing that although her words were a little vague, her expression was as calm and confident as ever, so he no longer had any doubts and turned around. Walk towards the exit of the valley.

"I'll go too." Chu Qingxuan also said.

She also owed Gu Fenghua a huge debt of gratitude. No matter whether Gu Fenghua was sure or not, she could not dismantle her in front of Wei Qingkong and others.

Seeing that Xiang Wushang and Chu Qingxuan had already set off, Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others had no choice but to follow them, but they were reluctant and a little listless.

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