My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5450 5450 I’ll do it myself

Alas, the Purple Heaven Prison barrier broke too suddenly this time, and all the princes and envoys were not well prepared, otherwise there would be no chance that such a so-called "master" would take action. Looking at the rough formation disk, everyone secretly shook their heads.

At this moment, the weapon's fire lit up, and the runes on the array plate flashed alternately, reflecting a dazzling rune light. Gu Fenghua waved his hand casually, and the array disk floated down.

"Okay?" This time, Wei Qingkong was not the only one who spoke. Chen Yanjun and other powerful people from the Holy Sect also asked in unison.

After another distracted effort, Gu Fenghua actually completed the tempering again. This speed completely exceeded their imagination.

"Okay." Gu Fenghua replied.

Wei Qingkong quickly picked up the formation disk, while Chen Yanjun and others stretched their necks. Soon, everyone was stunned, and two duck eggs could almost fit in their wide-open mouths.

The array disk, which was rough and crude just now, with almost no trace of aura, was now filled with aura, which was no worse than the previous one.

If the previous formation disk was made by the emperor, so it was easier to improve, then what about this time? How should we explain this time?

Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others looked at each other, their throats rolling slightly, but they had nothing to say anymore.

It turned out that Gu Fenghua not only had amazing strength, but also had unparalleled skills in formations and weapons. Monster, where did this monster come from! Chen Yanjun and other powerful men from the sect secretly smiled bitterly, unable to even deceive themselves.

After a few breaths, Gu Fenghua completed another formation disk.

Watching the formation disk gently falling down, Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others did not speak again, nor did they go to investigate, because they could feel the unique fluctuations of the aura without any investigation.

There was no longer the surprise on their faces. For the same thing, you only need to be surprised once or twice. If you are always surprised, you are either stupid or paid to pay for it.

In fact, they were all numb. From Gu Fenghua's effortless opening of the barrier yesterday, to his sword strike, revealing the tyrannical cultivation of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, to the tempering of the array today, they had already experienced too many surprises, and it was time for them to become numb.

There are nearly a thousand formation disks under his feet, but even the lowest and crudest grade can be tempered by Gu Fenghua in just a few breaths. The grade refined by the emperor himself is not bad, so of course it can be tempered faster. It only took a few hours for all the arrays to be tempered.

After sorting it out, Gu Fenghua took a short rest and prepared to set up the array to seal the space cracks.

"Senior Sister Gu, does she need our help?" Chu Qingxuan asked.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's exquisite formation and weapon skills, she was even more shocked and admired Gu Fenghua so much. Thinking of the previous doubts about her, she couldn't help but feel extremely guilty.

"No need, I'll do it myself." After Gu Fenghua said this, he quickly made his fingerprints.

One by one, the formation disks are flying and suspended outside the cracks in the space. They seem to have no connection with each other. However, if you focus your mind and feel it carefully, you will find that each formation disk is filled with a mysterious aura. Under the traction of the machine, it is closely connected with other formation disks, like a giant net, covering the space cracks.

Divine thoughts, Gu Fenghua actually relied on divine thoughts to connect these nearly a thousand formation disks together.

As Gu Fenghua continued to print his handprints, the giant network became denser and tighter.

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