My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5451 5451 is actually above the envoy!

"Lingxiu, you can stop now." Finally, Gu Fenghua said to Zhong Lingxiu who was slashing the sword light into the cracks in space.

Zhong Lingxiu knew that there was only one last step left to restrict the barrier, so she immediately stopped after hearing this.

Almost at the same time that the last sword light disappeared from the Purple Heaven Prison, Gu Fenghua also made the last hand seal. Nearly a thousand formation disks flashed with strange light at the same time, and a powerful forbidden power seemed to fall from the sky. When the dazzling strange light disappeared, no formation disk could be seen in front of him. The space crack that originally seemed to be split by a giant sword became looming, like a mirage, and the purple soul beast imprisoned in it was like a mirage. Phantoms thousands of miles away.

Wei Qingkong, Chen Yanjun and others thought they were numb, but when they saw this scene, they couldn't help themselves again. They opened their mouths in surprise, and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets and fell to the ground.

The larger the range of the forbidden barrier, the more obvious and fragile it is. On the contrary, the smaller the range, the less conspicuous and indestructible it is. If it reaches the extreme, there will not even be the slightest trace at all. A world of heaven and earth will also be completely hidden. Although the restrictive barrier set up by Gu Fenghua has not reached that stage yet, it is obviously not far off.

They had seen with their own eyes the envoys personally blocking the space cracks before. Even if they did not split a forbidden barrier into three like them, they were absolutely incomparable to Gu Fenghua.

Her formations and weapons are actually superior to those of your envoys!

Even if everyone knows that there are specialties in the arts, and that the emperor is stronger than the cultivation, his attainments in the formation and weaponry may not be any better than those world-famous formation masters or weaponry masters, and may even be worse in some aspects. Many people are not as good as each other, but everyone is still shocked when they think that Gu Fenghua's formation and weapon skills are superior to those of the emperor and envoys - don't forget, Gu Fenghua's cultivation is at the peak of the ninth level of Emperor Saint, which is comparable to those of formation masters or weapon masters. The Grandmaster is much stronger.

After being shocked, Wei Qingkong suddenly felt deeply grateful: Fortunately, I thought Gu Fenghua was messing around before, but he was just dissatisfied and didn't speak out, otherwise he would be slapped in the face again. Of course, this slap in the face is not a slap in the face, but it makes a slap in the face.

After setting up a restrictive barrier, Gu Fenghua did not stop. He took out the fine gold, mithril and holy spirit stone and began to refine the formation disk.

"Senior Sister Gu, what kind of array is this?" Chu Qingxuan asked curiously.

"Spirit formation disk, if the purple soul beast attacks the forbidden barrier, the formation disk will be affected. The formation disk is divided into nine layers. Every time the barrier is broken by 10%, the formation disk will open one layer. If three layers are opened, Above, you have to be careful. If it is activated above the fifth level, then you should be ready to leave. If it is activated to the eighth level, then run away for your life." Gu Fenghua said as he continued to fire the condenser to make fingerprints.

Different from the previous tempered formation disk, this formation disk was completely new, so it took longer. It took half an hour to complete the formation disk.

Sure enough, the dense runes on the formation plate were divided into nine layers, and the Holy Spirit Stone was embedded in them. Immediately, the runes on the outermost layer began to flicker. It was obvious that the purple soul beast was trying to break the forbidden barrier, but after seeing For a long time, the flickering runes were less than one-third full, and in the end, they completely dimmed, and there was no movement at all.

"Purple Soul Beast is gone?" Chu Qingxuan asked.

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