"This forbidden barrier is probably more than ten times stronger than the original barrier of Purple Heaven Prison. It's not like the Purple Soul Beast is really devoid of wisdom, so how could it be in vain?" Wei Qingkong said with a bitter smile.

After all, Chu Qingxuan is still young, and his strength and eyesight are relatively limited. He still cannot see how powerful the forbidden barrier that Gu Fenghua has personally arranged is, but he is different. Not only is his eighth-grade Emperor Sage cultivation among his peers, He is enough to be proud of the world (of course, that was before Gu Fenghua and others appeared), and he is proficient in formations and sealing techniques, otherwise the envoys would not send him to the Jade Cauldron Sect to preside over the overall situation. Therefore, it was easier for him to understand the power of the forbidden barrier in front of him.

"Miss Gu, at such a young age, not only has such cultivation, but also has such formation and weapon skills. She is really a blessing from my Wuji Holy Heaven." Chen Yanjun and others were filled with emotion.

Although the blow was a bit big, it was a great blessing that such talented young people emerged at the most critical moment of Wuji Holy Heaven. If there were a few more young people like this, he would be willing to be beaten to pieces. Of course, he also knew that this was impossible. It would be good to encounter such a monster in tens of thousands of years, but if there were a few more, would they be considered cabbages?

"Seniors, you are so complimentary." Gu Fenghua said politely, handed the formation disk to Liu Sanjue, and said, "With this spiritual formation disk, we can give early warning. I don't think there is any need for the Jade Cauldron Sect to find another place to rebuild. Sect, why don’t we rebuild it on the spot.”

"Feng Hua, thank you very much." Liu Sanjue took over the formation plate, his voice choked with sobs.

As long as he has a choice, he certainly does not want to choose another place to rebuild the sect. After all, it is extremely difficult to find a place with abundant spiritual energy. Rebuilding the formation will also take a lot of effort. It may take hundreds of years to build a symbol. Such a sect. At this time, although the Jade Cauldron Sect was in ruins except for the main hall of the sect, the formation foundation was not completely damaged. Regardless of the sect-protecting formation, the spirit gathering formation, or the killing ban formation, they could not be repaired. Much more relaxed.

More importantly, he was born here, grew up here, and his master and wife are also buried here. Who would be willing to leave his homeland unless it was absolutely necessary.

Wiping his eyes, Liu Sanjue quickly left the valley and found Pu Duanyang and others. Of course he couldn't make the decision on such a big matter alone, he had to discuss it with other elders.

Pu Duanyang and others were already ready to leave, looking into the depths of the valley with expressions of reluctance. I was overjoyed when I suddenly heard such good news.

Of course, while they were happy, they were also a little worried. The Jade Cauldron Sect had just suffered a catastrophe, and the Jade Cauldron Sect was almost wiped out. If the sect is rebuilt next to the space crack, what if the barrier breaks down again one day?

It was a matter of life and death for the sect, so several elders did not want to make the decision without authorization, so they simply led all the disciples of the sect back to the valley. After personally seeing the restrictive barrier set up by Gu Fenghua himself, everyone realized that their worries were completely unnecessary.

Such a barrier is more than ten times stronger than the Purple Heaven Prison barrier. Even if the entire Purple Heaven Prison barrier completely collapses one day, this restrictive barrier will probably be safe and sound. In a sense, there is no safer place in Wuji Holy Heaven than Jade Cauldron Valley at this time.

Finally, there is no need to leave their hometown or abandon their homeland. All the Jade Cauldron Sect disciples are overjoyed.

(The title of the article will be changed)

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