My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5454 5454 This is a bit strange

He knew that Liu Sanjue was from the Jade Cauldron Sect, but the news of the appearance of the Purple Soul Beast in the Jade Cauldron Sect had not spread yet, so he did not expect that Gu Fenghua and others would arrive in such a timely manner.

"We accompanied Master Liu back to the Jade Cauldron Sect, just in time for the Purple Heaven Prison barrier to break down." Gu Fenghua answered.

"I see, you came at just the right time." Shangguan Haochen suddenly understood and said with a smile.

"Envoy Haochen, who are these?" Envoy Nanming glanced at Gu Fenghua and others and asked.

Shangguan Haochen has always been arrogant, and even though he is the envoy of the emperor, he may not take him seriously, but now he is particularly close to these juniors, which makes him feel a little strange.

"This is Gu Fenghua, this is Luo En'en, Jun Lansheng, Ye Wuse, and Fang Tianyou. Wuse is Mu Qinghan's disciple. They can also be regarded as my Shangguan Haochen's nephews. By the way, this is Their close friend, Liu Shangyuan, a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, is known as Master Sanjue." Shangguan Haochen introduced.

Because the Jiutian World-Destroying Gourd was included in Gu Fenghua's Demonic Wood Cauldron, he, Li Canyang and others did not want to cause unnecessary trouble to her, so they only planned to report the matter to the Holy Lord Lingji and did not know about other envoys. Ming Junshi also didn't know the identities of Gu Fenghua and others.

"Juniors have met Mr. Nan Mingjun." After Shangguan Haochen finished the introduction, Gu Fenghua and others saluted Mr. Nanmingjun and looked at him carefully.

Compared to Lord Haochen and others, Lord Nan Ming is indeed much younger. He looks to be only in his early forties. He has a slender figure and a clear face, and is quite elegant. However, even if he smiles lightly, he also reveals a sense of arrogance.

"Since he is the descendant of Lord Haochen, he is also his own son, so there is no need to be polite." Lord Nan Ming smiled more gently, but it always gave people a sense of alienation.

"By the way, Senior Shangguan, Master Liu has now succeeded to the position of sect leader." Luo Enen said.

"Master Liu has succeeded as the leader of the Jade Cauldron Sect? Congratulations, congratulations." Shangguan Haochen was slightly startled, and quickly realized that it was probably because of the sudden appearance of the Purple Soul Beast, and the unfortunate death of the previous sect leader, so Liu Sanjue was ordered to succeed the sect leader in danger. Bit. I guessed that he might not be too happy now, so he just said congratulations twice politely and didn't say anything else.

"It turns out it's Sect Master Liu. Just now, I saw that the disciples of Jade Cauldron Sect are rebuilding the sect?" Nan Mingjun envoy asked Liu Sanjue.

"Yes, the sect was destroyed and we couldn't leave our homeland, so we decided to rebuild the sect on the same spot." Liu Sanjue replied respectfully.

"Then you have to thank Qingkong properly. If he hadn't led his people to help in time, your Jade Cauldron Sect might not have had the chance to rebuild the sect." Nan Mingjun said with a smile.

Um? Liu Sanjue was startled when he heard what Nan Ming Jun said. Gu Fenghua and others also looked at Nan Ming Jun in confusion: Why does this sound a little weird?

Wei Qingkong also glanced at the master, his face turning slightly red.

Gu Fenghua and others were surprised by the master's words, but he was not surprised at all. Outsiders don’t know what Master is thinking, doesn’t he know?

Although in everyone's eyes, Lord Nanming is extremely talented, even among the eighteen Lords, he is extremely talented. Once the older generation of Lords, such as Haochen Lord and Canyang Lord, pass away, he will be able to succeed naturally. Became the head of the Eighteen Envoys. For ordinary people, this is also a great honor.

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