My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5455 5455 He was slapped in the face as expected

But Wei Qingkong knew that the master was not satisfied with such an honor. It is also understandable that a peerless genius like Master could be willing to be inferior to others. If he waits until Haochen Junshi and others pass away before he can reach the top of the Eighteen Junshis, it will not prove that he will never be able to compete with those of the older generation. As a king and an envoy, I don't mind having such an honor.

In fact, Lord Nanming has always been comparing himself to Lord Haochen. It's a pity that he is one generation younger, and his mentor was once the brother of Lord Haochen. If calculated this way, he can still be regarded as the nephew of Lord Haochen.

Therefore, even if he thinks that his strength may not be equal to that of Lord Haochen, he does not dare to be disrespectful to Lord Haochen - at least on the surface, he must maintain enough respect for Lord Haochen.

He obviously has the strength to aspire to be the leader of the Eighteen Lords, but because of his elders and inferiority, he can only succumb to others. Naturally, Lord Nan Ming is unwilling to give up in every possible way. This matter has become his biggest knot.

Since he couldn't prove that he was stronger than Lord Haochen, he could only find some compensation in his junior disciples, so intentionally or unintentionally, he always liked to show off his junior disciples in front of outsiders, especially Wei Qingkong, who always mentioned He is always full of praise.

In the past, every time Wei Qingkong was praised by his master, he was very happy. He guessed his master's thoughts and always acted in a proud and arrogant manner.

He knew that most of the other envoys wanted their disciples to keep a low profile, but the envoy Nanming did not. Instead, they wanted them to be as public as possible.

After all, publicity also requires strength. The more public and powerful a disciple is, the more it proves that he is a master who is capable of teaching well.

But today, after hearing such praise from Lord Nan Ming, Wei Qingkong couldn't feel proud, let alone show off.

There was no way, he was not the one who rescued everyone in the Jade Cauldron Sect, but Gu Fenghua and others. If Gu Fenghua hadn't opened the barrier and took the lead, he would have given up on the Jade Cauldron Sect completely.

If it really comes to that point, Liu San will never express gratitude, for fear that he will have the intention to kill him.

The master's praise was clearly a slap in the face. Not only was it a slap in the disciple's face, it was probably even a slap in his own face.

"Qingkong, why don't you come over and thank Lord Haochen. He said at the beginning that you looked mature, but your temper was actually too impetuous. If it weren't for his teachings, how could you have achieved what you have today." Lord Nanming didn't pay attention. Noticing Wei Qingkong's strange behavior, he continued to speak with a smile, with a bit of pride and even a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

At this time, Gu Fenghua and others finally realized that the Nanming Lord seemed to have some problems with the Haochen Lord. Was he trying to use Wei Qingkong to suppress the Haochen Lord?

However, does the matter of Jade Cauldron Sect have anything to do with Wei Qingkong?

Chu Qingxuan, Xiang Wushang, Chen Yanjun and others looked at Lord Haochen, then at Lord Nanming, and then at Wei Qingkong, and their expressions became extremely strange.

It was a slap in the face, as he expected, it was a slap in the face. Noticing the strange looks from everyone, Wei Qingkong's face turned as red as a monkey's butt.

"Master, Master, it was not us who saved the Jade Cauldron Sect, but Senior Sister Gu and the others." Wei Qingkong blushed, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but hesitated.

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