My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5456 5456 Don’t say any more

One slap in the face is enough, but if you keep talking like this, you may get slapped in the face again.

Uh... Nan Mingjun choked.

I thought it was Wei Qingkong who saved the Jade Cauldron Sect, and wanted to show off this disciple, but I didn't expect that the person who saved the Jade Cauldron Sect turned out to be a descendant of Lord Haochen, and Lord Nan Ming's old face also felt hot.

Seeing his embarrassment, Chen Yanjun and others dared not speak out loudly, while Ambassador Haochen smiled half-heartedly.

After living for such a long time and seeing all kinds of things in the world, how could he not figure out Song Nanming's little thoughts.

Although as an elder, he didn't want to be on the same level as Song Nanming, but he saw that he showed off his disciples in front of him again and again, but he was too lazy to accept disciples. He reluctantly accepted a few and didn't bother to give them advice. Really, none of them were qualified. He took action, so he had been holding back a sigh of relief for a long time. Today, seeing Song Nanming holding back his breath, he felt particularly relaxed.

For a moment, no one in the room spoke, and the atmosphere became awkward.

"Ahem, cough, this restrictive barrier is well laid out. When I saw you studying formations and weapons before, I was worried that you would not be doing your job properly, but now it seems that I have wrongly blamed you." It was Nan Mingjun who took the lead in breaking the tranquility. I had the nerve to mention the Jade Cauldron Sect again and started talking about him.

Wei Qingkong was stunned. This forbidden barrier was not his fault, it was all the work of Gu Fenghua alone. The master didn't even ask, but just put the credit on his head? Wei Qingkong suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Yes, this forbidden barrier is indeed well laid out. Even if a few of us do it ourselves, we may not be able to achieve this step." At this time, Li Canyang also noticed the forbidden barrier outside the space crack and said in surprise.

This is not to put money on Wei Qingkong's face, nor is it to help Song Nanming regain his face. They are both the emperor's envoys and are ranked above Song Nanming, so there is no need for him to do that.

He was really surprised by the restrictive barrier in front of him. He asked himself, even if he did it himself, unless all the formation disks were refined by himself, he would never be able to set up such a restrictive barrier. Unexpectedly, Song Nanming, this precious disciple, was so skilled in formation techniques.

While speaking, Li Canyang did not notice that the expressions of Chu Qingxuan, Chen Yanjun and others became even weirder, while Wei Qingkong's face turned red as if on fire.

Wei Qingkong blushed and quietly winked at her master: "Please master, please don't say any more, or you will get slapped in the face again."

"Qingkong, come and tell us how you set up such a restrictive barrier?" Unfortunately, after hearing Li Canyang's words, Song Nanming was secretly proud of regaining his face and didn't even notice the look in his eyes. , said with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement.

Make it known, you must make it known. This is a great opportunity for you to prove yourself and to regain face for your master.

"This, this... is actually the result of Senior Sister Gu. We didn't do anything." Wei Qingkong said dryly.

He wanted to follow his master's wishes and show it off, but this restricted barrier was clearly created by Gu Fenghua alone. They didn't even have a chance to intervene, so they couldn't tell lies with their eyes open.

At this moment, Wei Qingkong felt extremely ashamed. He really wished that the Purple Heaven Prison barrier would burst again, a space crack would appear, and then he would jump in.

Uh...Song Nanming's smile froze, and his face became hot again.

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