My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5469: 5469 people are hard to break down

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison. Although they already knew that Gu Fenghua had great skills in formation sealing, no one thought that she could be stronger than a strong person like Jun Shi. After all, other people's ages were there. But when they compared it, they realized that they were completely wrong. Gu Fenghua's formation seal was actually much better than Shangguan Haochen, who was ranked first among the Eighteen Lords!

Shangguan Haochen and others were sweating profusely as they continued to make fingerprints in their hands, but they were not tired, but ashamed. Even if I focus on improving my cultivation, I have lived for such a long time, but I don’t know how much effort I have put into the seal-breaking technique. In the end, I can’t compare to a little girl. It’s embarrassing, it’s really embarrassing.

This damn girl isn't going to laugh at us on purpose, is she? If she had known this, she shouldn't have done it. Not only the sinister Shangguan Junshi, but also several other Junshi could not help but judge the gentleman with a villain's heart, and at the same time secretly regretted it.

Finally, as Gu Fenghua made the last hand seal, glowing light shone in front of his eyes, and the scroll slowly opened.

Shangguan Haochen and others breathed a long sigh of relief. It was finally over and they no longer had to be embarrassed.

"Master, didn't you say it would take four or five hours to open it? How come it's so fast? It's less than an hour, right?" Chu Qingxuan's eyesight was a bit poor and she couldn't see the difference in the fingerprints of several people, so she asked in confusion road.

"..." Several black lines stood up on the foreheads of several envoys.

Damn girl, isn't this why you can't open and pick up the pot? You really think we haven't embarrassed ourselves enough.

Chu Qingxuan couldn't see it, but they knew it well: the reason why they broke the seal and opened the scroll so quickly was largely due to Gu Fenghua. No one said anything, so everyone just pretended to be stupid. How could you make us feel embarrassed by saying this?

All around, Chen Yanjun and others looked up at the sky, glancing at Li Canyang from the corner of their eyes, and then at Chu Qingxuan. Their eyes were full of sighs: The teacher is unfortunate, the teacher is unfortunate!

"Is this...a treasure map?" Fortunately, the scroll had been opened. Luo Enen took a closer look and asked curiously.

Everyone turned their attention to the scroll at the same time, and several of the princes were relieved and freed from their embarrassment.

There is indeed a map drawn on the scroll, in which the three extreme regions of the Wuji Holy Heaven are included, but there are strange lights shining in several places, as if they are specially marked, and it is somewhat similar to the treasure map.

"This is the Netherworld Sand Sea, this is the Nine Nether Valley, and this is..." Song Nanming pointed to the places where strange lights flickered and said.

The map only shows the mountains, rivers and land, and a few scattered cities, with no text on them. However, the Netherworld Sand Sea is a barrier forbidden area between the Wuji Holy Sky and the Tianji Continent. The Nine Nether Valley is not far from the Netherworld Sand Sea. Although it is not as dangerous as the Netherworld Sand Sea, it is also a famous forbidden area where no vegetation grows and everything is annihilated. , most of the people present are familiar with it, and they can be seen at a glance. But the third place is located in Tianji Domain, which is not a famous forbidden place, so I don’t know what it is exactly.

"It seems to be Longyin Mountain." Ye Wuse said with a slight frown.

"Longyin Mountain where the Burning Heaven Sect is located?" Shangguan Haochen said in surprise.

Just now Gu Fenghua said that the Burning Heaven Sect was in Longyin Mountain, and of course he would not forget it.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua said affirmatively.

"The founder of the Jade Cauldron Sect specially marked Longyin Mountain. Could it be that he was referring to the Burning Sky Sect?" Fatty Bai guessed.

Gu Fenghua shook his head, but didn't say anything more.

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