My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5470 5470 Habitually follow behind them

Although the place marked by the founder of the Jade Cauldron Sect is Longyin Mountain, which happens to be where the Burning Sky Sect is located, there is not a single word on the scroll, and Longyin Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, so it does not necessarily refer to Burning Sky Sect. Tianzong.

Besides, the Burning Sky Sect was not in Longyin Mountain at first, but disappeared mysteriously when the sect was destroyed, and then appeared in Longyin Mountain. Maybe the founder of the Jade Cauldron Sect left this scroll before that, so this mark is even more important. It is impossible to point at the Burning Heaven Sect.

"Then what's going on?" Luo Enen said with a confused look.

"Maybe it's a coincidence. You'll know when you go back and take a look." Gu Fenghua said.

"Fenghua, then you go back to Longyin Mountain and have a look, and we'll go to those two forbidden areas." Shangguan Haochen said.

Although it is not possible to determine whether this scroll can resolve the current crisis, the Jade Cauldron Sect is not an ordinary sect. The founder of the sect specially left his last words and this scroll, presumably not just talking nonsense, and the other two places are in forbidden areas. It is even more unusual, and they must not be careless.

Just as he said this, the messenger talismans on the waists of several envoys made a clear "ding" sound at the same time, and flashed with a few crystal lights.

Several people's spiritual thoughts swept through the communication talisman, and their expressions changed at the same time.

"Senior Shangguan, what happened?" Gu Fenghua noticed that their expressions were different and had an ominous premonition in his heart, so he asked immediately.

"As expected, the Purple Heaven Prison barrier has broken in Huaxi Valley, Yufeng Mountain and Yueyingtan, and there are also signs of space breakage in other places." Shangguan Haochen said in a deep voice.

"What!" Hearing this, the expressions of everyone around him changed drastically.

"Fenghua, you go back to Burning Heaven Sect first. I and several of the envoys will go to several places in Huaxi Valley. Qingkong, Sect Master Chen, you go to Duanyun Mountain and be prepared first." Shangguan Haochen made a quick decision and told Gu Fenghua and others said.

The space in Huaxi Valley and Yufeng Mountain was ruptured. Once the Purple Soul Beast invaded Wuji Holy Sky, the consequences would be disastrous. They couldn't care about the scroll for the time being.

"Okay, seniors, please take care of yourself," Gu Fenghua said.

Shangguan Haochen and the others didn't say much, nodded, and then took off into the air, flying in different directions.

"By the way, the teleportation formations in Guzhou City, Xuanxing City, and Dongji City have been activated. You can use the teleportation formations to return to Tianji Domain." Shangguan Haochen thought of something and gave instructions from afar. As he spoke, an ancient token with the word "Haochen" engraved on it also flew in front of Gu Fenghua.

"Is there a teleportation formation in Guzhou City?" Luo Enen was a little curious.

They had been to Guzhou City and took the Yundu Feizhou from Guzhou City to Beiyuan City, but they did not know that there was also a teleportation formation in the city.

"In fact, many large cities have teleportation formations, but they are seriously damaged and difficult to repair, so they will never be used easily until critical moments. Over time, not many people know about them." Zhong Lingxiu explained.

As a disciple of Jun Shi and a descendant of the Zhong family who founded the world with formations, she was aware of the existence of these teleportation formations.

"Then let's go to Guzhou City immediately." Gu Fenghua said.

After saying a brief goodbye to everyone in the Jade Cauldron Sect, Gu Fenghua took out the Cloud Flying Boat again. Although the Jade Cauldron Sect is only thousands of miles away from Guzhou City, and it won't take long for him to ride the wind, but since there is a flying boat across the clouds, there is no need to waste the holy energy.

"Old man Liu, let's leave first. I'll come back to see you when I have the chance." Standing at the door of the flying boat, Luo Enen and Liu Sanjue waved goodbye.

Liu Sanjue was following them out of habit. Hearing this, he was startled and stopped again.

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