My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5473 5473 I will give you one last chance

"Yu Boqian, I will give you one last chance. If you don't release my Bifeng Sect Protector Spirit immediately, don't blame me, Kang Hean, for being unkind." Kang Hean, the leader of the Bifeng Sect, clasped his hands and said with a sneer. .

"It's okay if you don't hand over, just let us go in and search. If my Evergreen Sect Protector Spirit Beast is really not in your Qingyang Sect, I, Shui Yingyue, will leave right now and I won't cause trouble to your Qingyang Sect again." An old man said, it was Shui Yingyue, the leader of the Evergreen Sect.

"Yes, if my Cangyun Sect Protector Spirit Beast is not in your Qingyang Sect, not only will I, Luo Zifeng, not embarrass your Qingyang Sect, I will also apologize to you." The person who spoke this time was Luo Zifeng, the leader of the Cangyun Sect.

Yu Boqian stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword. Because he was too angry, his fingers were trembling slightly, and the veins on the back of his hand were exposed.

Even outsiders knew why these three holy sects came, but of course he knew better. In fact, they were the first to discover the sudden strange phenomenon in Longyin Mountain. However, after searching carefully for several days, they could not find any natural treasures.

Kang Hean and others made it clear that they came here for this reason. Anyway, they could not find the so-called heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and there were no sect-protecting spiritual beasts at all. In fact, it didn't matter even if they were allowed to go in and search, but the problem was, The Qingyang Sect is just a cover. What is hidden within the sect is actually the former site of the Burning Sky Sect. It also preserves many heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected by its predecessors, and even ready-made high-grade magical instruments. If it falls into the eyes of Kang Hean and others, the Burning Sky Sect may not be far away from being wiped out again.

Although Weng Yuanming and others had followed the order of Gu Fenghua and came to Burning Heaven Sect, some small sects came to provoke them a few days ago, trying to seize Longyin Mountain. It was also thanks to their efforts to scare Xiao Xiao, but in the face of the three great saints, Zong joins forces, and just a few of them may not be able to turn the tide.

Looking at this posture, the three holy sects may not give up no matter what. If they really can't do it, they can only fight to the death. Yu Boqian made a decision, and his originally anxious mood calmed down.

"Why, do you still dare to take action?" Seeing Yu Boqian's actions, Kang Hean became even more contemptuous.

He could destroy such a weak sect by himself. If the other two holy sects had not also received the news, there would be no need for the three sects to join forces.

"Although our Qingyang Sect is small and weak, we will not let others take advantage of us!" Yu Boqian said loudly.

"In that case, you can't blame me." Kang He'an's face turned cold, and he stepped forward and slapped Yu Boqian with his palm.

"Fifth Grade Emperor Saint!" Seeing the five golden holy beads appearing between his brows, a cry of exclamation rang out from the crowd behind him.

The Holy Sect is an insurmountable behemoth that most sects in Wuji Holy Heaven can only look up to. The strength of the leader of the Holy Sect was also a mystery to many people. It was not until this moment that everyone knew that Kang Hean's strength had actually reached the fifth level of Emperor Saint.

"It is said that people die for money and birds die for food. Why bother?" Looking at Yu Boqian, someone showed pity in his eyes.

"Yes, no one is guilty of harboring a treasure. Not everyone can protect some treasures. If you don't have the strength, you might as well give them up. Why risk your sect and your own life." Some people sighed and said.

Although I haven't seen Yu Boqian's strength yet, I can imagine with my toes that no matter how strong the leader of a little-known sect like this can be, there is only one way for him to die against Kang He'an.

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