My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5474 5474 Face, do you still want it?

But if Kang Hean didn't take action, it would be fine. Once he did, there would be no way for Qingyang Sect to survive. Ordinary people understand the truth that wild fire cannot be burned out but spring breeze will revive it, let alone such a leader of the Holy Sect.

It’s over, Yu Boqian is over, Qingyang Sect is over!

"Old man, if we don't say anything, you are really afraid of your failure in the Bifeng Sect!" Just as everyone sighed secretly, an old man among the Qingyang Sect disciples flew out and stood in front of Yu Boqian. .

"Bang!" The two palms met, and the old man, Kang and An each took a few steps back, and a wisp of blood oozed from the corners of their mouths at the same time.

"The fifth-grade Emperor Saint, Qingyang Sect also has strong men of the fifth-grade Emperor Saint!" A burst of exclamation sounded from the crowd again.

For a little-known small sect like Qingyang Sect, it is usually great to have the support of a Supreme Elder who is in the realm of Heavenly Saint. Who would have known that they actually have a strong man in the realm of Emperor Saint, and Still a fifth-grade Emperor Saint!

Kang and An were also shocked. Qingyang Sect actually had a strong man of the fifth rank of Emperor Saint. How could this be possible?

You must know that the Bifeng Sect is a holy sect, but it only has two second-grade Emperor Saints, two third-grade Emperor Saints, plus him, the fifth-grade Emperor Saint. Who would have thought that the small Qingyang Sect could actually have a powerful person of the fifth rank of Emperor Saint.

Looking at the old man with a fierce look on his face despite the blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, Kang and An An felt a little fear in their heads.

Murderous aura, he felt a strong murderous aura.

Although he has the same level of cultivation and is both the fifth-grade Emperor Saint, Kang He'an has been sitting on the position of the head of the Bifeng Sect for many years. In these years, let alone fighting with life and death, he even has very little time to spar with others. Where can there be such murderous intent?

"Who are you!" Kang Hean asked.

"I am the great elder of Qingyang Sect, Weng Yuanming!" Weng Yuanming raised his head and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with a look of pride on his face, but there was a bit of regret in his eyes.

Compared with the name of the great elder of the Burning Sky Sect, the great elder of the Qingyang Sect is still a bit weaker in terms of momentum. But there was no way, the sect leader hadn't come back yet, and even if they heard the news of the death of their eldest grandson, Luocang, they didn't dare to reveal the true origin of the Burning Sky Sect.

Weng Yuanming? Kang Hean searched carefully in his mind, but he had no impression.

But the more this happened, the more uneasy Kang Hean became. The so-called hidden strong man, the less famous he is, the stronger his strength is. Although Weng Yuanming is also a fifth-grade Emperor Saint like him, but with this murderous aura, if he really wants to fight for his life, he will most likely be his opponent.

The intuition of the powerful Emperor Saint is really sharp. The Three Saints of Moyun used people's money to eliminate disasters and killed countless people in the Xuanji Realm. Their actual combat experience was really not comparable to that of the pampered and pampered leader of the Holy Sect.

For a moment, Kang and An were in a dilemma. If you don't use the protector spirit beast as a cover, you will just retreat. After all, Qingyang Sect also has a strong man of the fifth level of Emperor Saint, so it is not a shame to give him some face. Maybe there will be a story of heroes cherishing each other. It's a good story, but now that the pretense of protecting the sect spirit beast has been revealed, if it is given up halfway at this time, and even the sect protector spirit beast is not wanted, it will not be a joke if it is spread out.

Do you want the face of Kang Hean or the Bifeng Sect?

"It's just a fifth-grade Emperor Saint. I want to see how many fifth-grade Emperor Saints your Qingyang Sect has?" Just when Kang Hean was full of confusion, Shui Yingyue took two steps forward and said disdainfully. .

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