My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5475 5475 Such embarrassing things have been done

"Yes, I also want to see how many fifth-grade emperor saints your Qingyang Sect has?" Luo Zifeng also said with a gloomy face.

Kang and An An's heads shook when they heard what the two of them said. It is really not easy for a small sect like Qingyang Sect to have a fifth-grade Emperor Saint in charge. How can it be possible to find a second one? If there really need to be more powerful men like this, why should they settle in a corner and hide in a small sect? The Longyin Mountain Range may soon become famous and even rank among the Holy Sects.

Now that the three major holy sects, Bishui Sect, Changqing Sect, and Cangyun Sect, have joined forces, why should they be afraid of him, a Qingyang Sect, and a fifth-grade Emperor Sage.

"Weng Yuanming, considering that your cultivation is not easy, as long as you hand over my sect guardian spirit beast, I won't care about what happened before." Thinking of this, Kang He'an became bolder and shouted loudly.

"It's up to you!" Weng Yuanming sneered.

"Sect Master Kang, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!" Luo Zifeng said with murderous intent. Before he finished speaking, he took the lead and flew towards Weng Yuanming.

Kang Hean and Shui Yingyue only hesitated for a moment, and then also attacked Weng Yuanming.

Five golden holy beads clearly appeared between the eyebrows of Luo Zifeng and Shui Yingyue, and there was another exclamation from the crowd behind them.

But this time, I was not surprised by the strength of the two people. The three holy sects, Bishui Sect, Evergreen Sect, and Cangyun Sect, have always been closely related to each other. It is normal for the sect leaders to be equally powerful. What surprised them was that these three sect masters actually needed to join forces to fight against an enemy of the fifth level of the Saint. Did they really not even want to lose the face of the Holy Sect?

They had forgotten that when they said the words "protecting the sect spirit beast", the three major holy sects had already thrown their face into the clouds. At this time, there was no shame at all.

After such a shameful thing was done, Kang and An would not give Weng Yuanming a chance to survive. The shadows of the palms are like waves lifting the sky, obviously the holy energy is flowing to the extreme.

"A mere fifth-grade Emperor Saint dares to show off his power in front of our three major sects, without knowing whether to live or die!"

"You can live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own!"

"My lord, the sect leader, is so mighty that he destroyed the Qingyang sect and exalted the reputation of our holy sect!" Behind him, the disciples of the three major sects shouted excitedly, cheering for their sect leader.

Seeing this, the onlookers looked even more pitiful.

Qingyang Sect has a strong man of the fifth rank of Emperor Saint, but he has never let out any news. He must be planning to make a big splash one day. Unfortunately, they will never have that chance again. Not to mention a blockbuster, it is probably a question of how many disciples of the sect can survive.

"If you want to bully the minority, do you really think that our Qingyang Sect has no one left?" Just as they secretly lamented for the Qingyang Sect, two more old men flew out among the Qingyang Sect's disciples.

One of them faced Shui Yingyue, one faced Luo Zifeng, and Weng Yuanming stood in front of Kang Hean again.

"Bang!" The ground trembled, and the six figures split apart at the touch.

Kang Hean, Shui Yingyue, and Luo Zifeng took a few steps back. When they stopped, their faces turned pale.

The three disciples who were shouting just now raised their arms high, but no more words came out of their mouths. The entire Longyin Mountain seemed to have become silent.

Fifth-grade Emperor Saint, three fifth-grade Emperor Saint! Looking at the holy beads flashing between the eyebrows of Weng Yuanming, Yao Wenshan and Zeng Ning'an, the crowd of onlookers also looked dull.

No, no, there are more than three fifth-grade Emperor Saints. As Weng Yuanming and the others took action, Fang Yunsong also emerged from the crowd, with two golden holy beads appearing between his eyebrows.

Four Emperor Saints, Qingyang Sect actually has four strong men in the realm of Emperor Saints. With such strength, it would be no surprise to be among the Holy Sect.

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