My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5505 5505 Good intentions are doomed to be in vain

Although her mouth was full of seniority, there was no respect in her smile, and her eyes were full of sarcasm.

Just by looking at the tightly furrowed brows of the three old guys, one can guess that they have not yet fully understood the talisman formation. If she doesn't seize the opportunity to slap her in the face, she will no longer be Luo Enen.

Zhuang Taiqing and others had not been able to penetrate the talisman formation for a long time. They were already anxious. Seeing Gu Fenghua and others regain their concentration, they all looked happy. They guessed that these juniors who had not been taken seriously by themselves had already rushed to penetrate the talisman array in front of them. Array, feeling even more anxious. At this time, being ridiculed by Luo Enen again, his old face turned red with embarrassment.

"Little girl, what did you say!" Zhuang Taiyan shouted angrily.

"I have heard for a long time that Jade Pill Valley's alchemy skills are unparalleled. This junior has been fascinated by it for a long time. I want to see it. Is it wrong?" Luo Enen looked at Zhuang Taiyan strangely, with an aggrieved expression that was pure and innocent.

"You..." Zhuang Taiyan was choked and speechless.

Although what Luo Enen said just now was full of sarcasm and harsh to the ears, there was no disrespect at all between the lines. He really couldn't find a reason to get angry.

"Forget it, En'en. The seniors are getting older and will inevitably lose energy. Let's go in first and leave the seniors to meditate." Gu Fenghua pulled Luo En'en's sleeves.

Although she couldn't stand the self-righteousness of these old men, but they were so old and still couldn't understand the talisman formation. Their strength was probably limited, which was pitiful when she thought about it, so she didn't want to attack them anymore.

As a strong man of the ninth rank of Emperor Saint, he still has compassion and his true heart. How can you find such a good person in the world. When she said this, the fifth lady of the Gu family felt deeply proud of herself.

Unfortunately, her good intentions were destined to be in vain.

What does it mean to lose energy as you get older? Who doesn't know that the older a Holy Alchemist is, the stronger his abilities and his attainments will be. Why does this sound even more harsh? Not only Zhuang Taiyan, but also Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiping were so angry that their faces turned red.

"Okay, okay, then I'll let you see the methods of my Jade Pill Valley." Zhuang Taiyan said angrily. As he said this, he was about to make his fingerprints.

"Second brother, wait a minute, let me do it." Zhuang Taiqing stopped Zhuang Taiyan.

Among the three brothers, Zhuang Taiyan was the weakest in alchemy. At this moment, he was angry and restless. As the second brother, how could he be allowed to take risks.

Besides, one of Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua was playing bad guy, and the other was playing bad side. Leng Dao stabbed him one after another. It was not only Zhuang Taiyan who was hit by the knife, but also Zhuang Taiqing.

Damn girl who doesn’t know the heights of the world, wait until you see the unique elixir method of my Jade Pill Valley, let’s see what else you have to say. Zhuang Taiqing was secretly furious, and without waiting for Zhuang Taiyan to object, he stepped forward and took his fingerprints.

Although he himself could not fully understand the talisman formation, he had understood most of it, and he was still somewhat confident.

The spiritual energy gathered and the weapon fire emerged. Following Zhuang Taiqing's handprints, runes flickered in the weapon fire, forming a faint talisman array.

It seems that this Zhuang Taiqing is somewhat capable, but he is not completely blind and arrogant. Gu Fenghua and others were slightly surprised and looked at the talisman array attentively.

"The jade pill is made from heaven, condense it!" Noticing their gazes, Zhuang Taiqing sneered secretly and shouted a weapon secret. The runes condensed by the weapon fire flew towards the palace door, covering the incomplete runes on the door.

In the blink of an eye, runes flickered in the missing parts of the rune array, and it seemed that he had made up for it.

"It's done!" Zhuang Taiqing couldn't help shouting with joy. Then he turned to look at Gu Fenghua and others, especially when he looked at Luo Enen, his eyes were filled with pride.

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