My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5506 5506 Damn girl, don’t get too proud too early

"Hahahaha, have you seen it? This is the secret method of elixir of my Jade Pill Valley. At such a young age, you actually dare to talk nonsense in front of my three elders of Jade Pill, and you are not afraid of making people laugh." Zhuang Taiyan was even more proud and turned his head. Come on, he said proudly to Gu Fenghua and others.

"Second brother, be careful!" At this moment, Zhuang Taiping suddenly exclaimed.

Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiyan were shocked. They didn't care about showing off, and quickly turned their heads to look at the talisman array.

Almost at the same time that the two people turned their heads, a divine light flashed in the center of the talisman array, and a vast invisible power surged out.

"Ah..." As soon as his eyes flashed, the defenseless Zhuang Taiqing was kicked out of the hall, and only the unwilling scream still echoed in the hall.

Zhuang Taiyan was so shocked that he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Gu Fenghua shook his head. In fact, judging from the handprints just now, Zhuang Taiqing's alchemy attainments are not too bad. If he spends a little more time and calms down, he should be able to thoroughly penetrate the talisman array and open the palace door. It's a pity that this man is too proud and impatient, and he can't stand a little provocation. After a few words of ridicule from Luo Enen, he got into chaos.

At this time, the fifth lady of the Gu family was completely unaware that Luo Enen's cynicism was secondary to Zhuang Taiqing's chaos, and her "well-intentioned" persuasion was the key.

"The Jade Pill Valley's elixir method is wonderful, and it is indeed well-deserved. Today, this junior can be considered an eye-opener. It's a big eye-opener." Luo Enen was also stunned, but quickly realized it, resisting the urge to laugh loudly, pretending With a look of admiration and fascination on his face, he raised his thumb at Zhuang Taiyan.

"Well, don't be rude to the old man. Elder Zhuang was just careless. When it comes to alchemy, Jade Alchemy Valley actually has its own merits." Gu Fenghua winked at Luo Enen. , said seriously. The banker's old men were quite old, and she didn't want to see them get angry at Luo Enen.

What does this sentence mean? Also, the word "still" sounds so meaningful and heartbreaking. It's as if a piece of straw paper or a piece of rag is actually of some use.

"Damn girl, don't be too proud!" Zhuang Taiyan felt as if someone had slapped him hard on the face, his face was so red that it could almost bleed.

Without saying much, he quickly made a series of hand seals.

Unfortunately, his strength is not as good as Zhuang Taiqing, and his understanding of this talisman formation is even more limited. The handprints were filled with fire, and the runes flashed out, but the runes on the door didn't even react at all.

Luo Enen didn't say anything more, but his eyes towards Zhuang Taiyan were even more sarcastic, almost with the word "contempt" engraved on his forehead.

Zhuang Taiyan noticed her gaze and became even more angry and anxious. He felt a rush of blood rushing to Tianling. He suddenly pulled out his long sword and slashed towards the palace door.

"No!" Zhuang Taiqing and Gu Fenghua exclaimed at the same time.

Zhuang Taiqing just failed to understand the talisman formation and was kicked out of the temple. He could tell from the scream that he was seriously injured. Zhuang Taiyan was so anxious that he actually wanted to forcefully break the temple door. Isn't that looking for death?

Gu Fenghua and Zhuang Taiping subconsciously wanted to stop it, but Zhuang Taiyan's attack was too sudden, completely beyond their expectations. As soon as their thoughts moved, a sword light fell on the palace door.

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