Without Gu Fenghua, they couldn't concentrate at all, and they couldn't exert the true power of their combined swords. Taking action rashly was simply seeking death.

To take action, you must wait for the most critical moment and the best opportunity.

Before that, the only thing they can do is to constantly increase their holy energy and spiritual thoughts - such a strong person, most holy realms cannot suppress them, and they may only have one chance to take action.

"Master of the Burning Sky Sect, where is Gu Fenghua?" Seeing that everyone below was either surprised or envious, but no one said anything, the Holy Lord Tianji asked coldly.

"The junior Burning Heaven Sect enshrines the Yuandaoling Mausoleum and reports back to Lord Shengjun. The sect leader of this sect failed to enter the Netherworld Temple to attain enlightenment half a month ago. Deeply affected, he went to Dongjiyuan to practice hard training." Yuandaoling Mausoleum took a few steps forward and said, First, he bowed to the Holy Lord Tianji and then spoke.

Hearing Yuandaoling's words, Ye Wuse and others really wanted to applaud him.

Sure enough, people become better with age, and Yuan Daoling's words are simply impeccable.

The Netherworld Temple appeared in the back mountain of the Burning Sky Sect. As the leader of the Burning Sky Sect, it would obviously be unreasonable for Gu Fenghua to ignore it, and it would be completely unreasonable to travel out at this time.

But if she entered the Netherworld Temple early to seek for the truth, was deeply hit after her failure, and went to the East Jiyuan to practice hard training, then it would be completely reasonable and no one could fault her.

"Dongjiyuan..." Sure enough, after hearing Yuandaoling's words, even Tianji Shengjun couldn't find anything wrong with him. He frowned and looked thoughtful on his face.

On the way here, he only thought about killing Gu Fenghua sooner or later to eliminate future troubles, but he didn't think much about the Netherworld Temple. If Gu Fenghua failed to achieve enlightenment and was deeply affected and went to Dongjiyuan to practice, if he wanted to get rid of Gu Fenghua, he would have no choice but to chase him to Dongjiyuan. But the East Pole is hundreds of thousands of miles away, so finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Misstep, I made a mistake this time.

However, is Yuandaoling's statement true or false? After a second thought, Tianji Shengjun was a little suspicious again, his face was uncertain, and his eyes swept towards the crowd again.

Luo Enen and others lowered their heads, concentrating on concealing their energy.

Tens of thousands of powerful people gathered in the valley. They were the seventh and eighth emperors. They lowered their heads and hid among the crowd. They concentrated on concealing their Qi. Even Tianji Sage did not notice it. flaw.

Feeling that Tianji Shengjun's eyes swept over him quickly without staying for a moment longer, Luo Enen and others quietly let out a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, several people suddenly felt a chill in their hearts: Tianji Shengjun quickly looked away, but several other eyes fell on them.

Luo Enen and others glanced out of the corner of their eyes and saw the strange looks of brothers Zhuang Taiyan and Zhuang Taiqing.

not good! Luo Enen and others secretly screamed that something was wrong.

The others didn't know Gu Fenghua's whereabouts, so they were dismissed by Yuan Daoling in a few words. However, the Zhuang brothers saw them break the talisman formation and enter the palace gate at the back. They also know best when Gu Fenghua comes and goes.

As soon as they open their mouths, Yuandaoling's promise will be exposed immediately!

Why did you forget these old guys? If I had known this, it would be better to kill and silence them. Luo Enen was secretly upset, and even thought of killing someone to silence him. It's a pity that no one expected that Tianji Shengjun would come to the door so soon. Now even if she is cruel enough to kill and silence her, it's too late.

However, what surprised Luo Enen was that brothers Zhuang Taiqing and Zhuang Taiyan only looked at them strangely for a few times and then quickly looked away, as if they didn't know anything.

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