My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5522 5522 seems a little different from the past

Hey, shouldn't these old guys hate them to the core, but they didn't expose Yuandaoling's lies? What's going on? While Luo Enen took another deep breath, her heart was filled with doubts.

Little did she know that Zhuang Taiping had been completely impressed by Gu Fenghua's alchemy weapon skills, and even believed that the position of Alchemy Master this year would fall to Gu Fenghua. From ancient times to the present, no one has ever created such a miracle. Facing such a peerless genius, how could he feel any hatred at all.

After exiting the Netherworld Temple and seeing that Taiqing and Taiyan were only injured and not in danger of their lives, the only grudge he had in his heart disappeared. They were specifically told not to be disrespectful to Gu Fenghua in the future, and to be courteous even to Luo Enen and others.

Zhuang Taiyan and Zhuang Taiyan were a little dissatisfied at first, but after listening to the elder brother's detailed explanation, they realized that Gu Fenghua's talent in Alchemy and Instruments was so incredible. When they thought that Gu Fenghua might be able to monopolize the position of Alchemy Master, they felt even more regretful about their previous words and deeds.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the three holy kings are the masters of the Wuji Holy Heaven, to many holy alchemists and weapon refiners, the status of the alchemy master and weapon master is by no means lower than that of the three holy kings, and is even more transcendent. .

Although the banker brothers were a little self-righteous, they were not stupid. Seeing that Tianji Shengjun's tone was cold, and that the worshiper of Burning Sky Sect deliberately concealed Gu Fenghua's whereabouts, they knew that Tianji Shengjun was not a good person, and of course he would not be foolish enough to leak Gu Fenghua's whereabouts. Fenghua’s whereabouts. Otherwise, they will be enemies of the future alchemy master and weapon master, as well as the holy alchemy masters and weapon refiners in the world.

The Zhuang Taiyan brothers quickly withdrew their gaze. No matter how strong the Divine Mind of Tianji Shengjun was, it would be impossible for him to detect the strangeness in this moment from the tens of thousands of strong men below.

Looking around, he still found nothing, and the face of Tianji Shengjun became even more gloomy.

Could it be that Gu Fenghua really went to Dongjiyuan? Since then, it has been a bit troublesome to eradicate it as soon as possible.

At this moment, a strange Taoist rhyme suddenly emerged from the Netherworld Temple. Although it was not strong, it was like a steady drizzle, covering the entire back mountain of Burning Heaven Sect.

When you are in it, it is like thousands of magic weapons and magic weapons are lingering in front of you. It seems that you can reach it, but you can't ask for it.

"What's going on?" someone exclaimed.

Although it is said that visions will appear in the sky every time someone successfully attains enlightenment, but according to records, the visions will not appear until Lord Dan or Lord Qi leaves the temple. But at this moment, there was no one at the entrance of the temple.

Moreover, this wonderful Taoist rhyme is obviously completely different from the recorded visions of heaven and earth.

Subconsciously, everyone looked towards Situ Yunmiao.

Situ Yunmiao's eyes were full of surprise. He remembered that the last time he attained the path of alchemy, no such strange situation occurred. According to records, when the previous alchemy masters attained the path, no such strange thing happened. , what happened this time?

Even Tianji Shengjun was a little confused. Although he would not be present every time the Netherworld Temple appeared, he was not completely unconcerned. There would always be subordinates who would report the situation in detail afterwards. In my memory, such strange things have never happened before.

This time the Netherworld Temple reappeared, it seemed a little different from before.

Tianji Shengjun was originally hesitant to rush to Dongjiyuan immediately, but he was not in a hurry to leave at this time.

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