Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that the envoys gathered at Longyin Mountain not only because of the reappearance of Netherworld Temple, not only to seek help from the Burning Heaven Sect to temper the array, not only to support her, but also for the sake of the scroll. thing.

Since they can't find the person who did it, they can only find other ways to resolve the disaster, or they still have a glimmer of hope, hoping to find clues about the sealing technique in the scroll.

Unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed.

"If you want to talk about discovery, it is the Netherworld Temple. Apart from the test of the alchemy weapon, there is nothing else." Gu Fenghua didn't want to hit them, but he had to tell the truth.

When she thought that the rupture of the Purple Heaven Prison barrier was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, her heart was full of worries, and even the joy of having just won the position of Alchemy Master was diluted a lot.

So what about Alchemy Lord and Weapon Lord? Even if she can refine elixirs and weapons day and night, the medicinal materials and fine gold and mithril will always be used up. If the original servant cannot be found, the disaster will still be unable to be resolved in the end.

"Feng Hua, if you think about it again, is there really nothing else? There are no clues about the sealing method at all?" Shangguan Haochen asked unwillingly.

"No." Gu Fenghua thought about it carefully and finally said firmly.

Hearing this, Mo Qingqiu and others looked disappointed.

They could also imagine that if the Netherworld Temple only had the enlightenment of Alchemy and Weapon Dao, even if Gu Fenghua alone had the two honors of Alchemy Master and Weapon Master, it would still be of no avail.

"Actually, Fenghua, the Alchemy Master and Qijun, is unique in his own right. He is definitely not comparable to Alchemy Master or Qijun like me." At this time, Situ Yunmiao interjected.

"Situ Danjun, what you are talking about is the Taixu True Flame?" Mo Qingqiu's eyes lit up slightly and he asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, although we people can be regarded as having achieved the Great Way in the eyes of outsiders and have achieved the false reputation of Alchemy Master and Qijun, we have not achieved the real Great Way, nor have we obtained the True Flame of Taixu. At most, we have only obtained some The power of true flame. But what Feng Hua got is the real Taixu True Flame. If what you just said is true, then if you want to resolve this disaster, you might fall on this Taixu True Flame." Situ Yun Miao said.

Although he knew nothing about the scrolls passed down by the Jade Cauldron Sect, he could guess something about it after listening to Mo Qingqiu and others' words.

"Speaking of which, I have an idea." Hearing Situ Yunmiao's words, Mo Qingqiu was greatly inspired and continued, "The founder of the Jade Cauldron Sect left the scroll at the time when that person was still trying to control the Purple Heaven Prison. Before the barrier takes action.

Even if we do find that person and repair the cracks he opened, we will still be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Only by unlocking the secret of the scroll can we truly resolve the disaster and cure the root cause. "

"In this way, Taixu True Flame is the key to resolving the disaster!" Song Nanming said excitedly.

"Maybe it's just one of the keys. The two forbidden areas marked in the scroll also hide other keys. As long as you go to those two forbidden areas and unlock the secrets, you can finally resolve the disaster." Shangguan Haochen said thoughtfully.

"Then let's set off immediately and head to the Netherworld Sand Sea and Nine Nether Valley separately." Song Nanming said impatiently.

After he finished speaking, he realized that no one else spoke, but looked at him with strange eyes.

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