"Brother Nan Ming, these are just our guesses. I don't know if they are right or wrong. Just abandon the Wuji Holy Sky and run to the forbidden area. What if it turns out that it is just a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain, and the Purple Heaven Prison Barriers are connected one after another. If it breaks, wouldn't we become the biggest sinners in Wuji Holy Heaven?" Nie Shitian said.

"That's true." Song Nanming's old face blushed slightly. Only then did he realize that compared to other envoys, he was still a little too impetuous.

"I think it's better for us to stay put and leave the matter of the scroll to Fenghua," Mo Qingqiu said.

"Is it too heavy a burden to hand over such a big matter to Fenghua?" Song Nanming said worriedly.

Although the matter about the scroll was just their wishful thinking, what if they guessed it right? Although Gu Fenghua's current strength is very good, but compared with them, it is still a bit behind, and he is also a little too young. He always felt a little uneasy about entrusting such an important responsibility to her.

"These places marked in the scroll may have some connection. To unravel the mysteries hidden in the Netherworld Sand Sea and the Nine Nether Valley, we may have to use the True Flame of Taixu. It may not be useful if we go there, and even if there are too many people, things will be missed. .

With Fenghua's cultivation in the middle stage of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, and with the help of Enen and others, it should be enough to protect himself, and there is no need for old guys like us to point our fingers. "Mo Qingqiu said.

After saying what came to mind, he asked Gu Fenghua again, "By the way, Fenghua, how on earth did you injure Duan Qingyun so hard?"

Song Nanming and others also looked at Gu Fenghua curiously. A mid-level ninth-level Emperor Saint, plus three eighth-level Emperor Saints, plus two seventh-level Emperor Saints are indeed not weak, but they don't believe it when it comes to severely injuring a dignified envoy.

"Sacred Realm, we can create the Holy Realm by joining forces with one sword, plus my sacred pattern." Gu Fenghua explained simply.

"Sanctuary..." She said it simply, but Mo Qingqiu and others all took a breath when they heard it.

Even with their cultivation beyond the peak limit of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, they are unable to condense the Holy Domain, and they will also be suppressed by the Holy Domain, unable to exert their strongest strength at all.

Gu Fenghua and others can not only condense the holy realm, but also have the holy marks from the supreme power. It is strange that Duan Qingyun does not suffer from it. Not to mention Duan Qingyun, even if they met Gu Fenghua and other young people, they would be equally in trouble.

"Brother Nanming, do you have anything else you want to say?" Nie Shitian asked Song Nanming jokingly.

Song Nanming looked up at the sky, and the corners of his eyes began to cramp again.

Mo Qingqiu was right. With the current strength of Gu Fenghua and others, they can break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den at will. It is most appropriate to leave the scroll to them. There is no need for old guys like them to get in the way.

Alas, the waves behind the river push the waves in front, and the waves in front beat me to death on the beach. The ancients did not deceive me. Song Nanming mourned Wen in his heart, feeling extremely sad.

"Fenghua, you hold this communication talisman. If you encounter trouble and you can't handle it, crush it. I will come to help as soon as possible." Although I no longer doubt the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, for the sake of safety, Mo Qingqiu still took out a magic talisman and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"You also keep my communication talisman in case you need it in case of emergency." Chang Aotian also took out a similar talisman and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

Shangguan Haochen and others also took out the communication talismans and handed them to her hand.

"By the way, Brother Chang, is Sister Wanru okay?" Gu Fenghua put away the magic talisman and asked Chang Aotian.

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