My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5554 5554 You have to have some skills

As soon as they entered the valley, Gu Fenghua and others clearly felt that the vitality in their bodies was like raindrops falling on the dry earth, quickly escaping from their bodies and disappearing between heaven and earth.

"Old magician, didn't you say that longevity grass can stabilize vitality? Why is it useless at all?" Luo Enen was startled and asked Situ Yunqi angrily while holding a longevity grass.

"That's because you are using it incorrectly." Situ Yunqi calmly took out the longevity grass from the storage bracelet, then took out a sword blade and cut his finger, and dropped a drop of blood on the grass blade.

In the blink of an eye, the blood drops soaked into the grass blades, and the ordinary longevity grass became more verdant and green, as if it had just been thoroughly washed by the rain. Situ Yunqi then took the longevity grass into his arms and placed it close to his heart.

Even if they didn't use their spiritual sense to probe carefully, everyone could feel that there was a faint vitality outside his body, but it was still condensed and not dissipated. The wrinkled old face of the old magic stick became much more energetic.

Gu Fenghua and others followed suit, and each took out the longevity grass, cut his finger and dripped blood on it, and then placed the longevity grass close to his heart.

Immediately, the vitality stopped dissipating, and apart from the eerie and eerie nature of the valley, nothing felt strange anymore.

"Where did you learn this method? Did Situ Danjun teach you?" Luo Enen asked Situ Yunqi.

"I figured it out myself." Situ Yunqi replied.

"Tch, it's you." Luo Enen said disdainfully, almost carving the word "disbelief" on his forehead.

"Don't believe it. Situ Yunmiao doesn't have enough time to think about the elixir. How can he have the time to tell me this? Besides, you really think that I have been fooling around for nothing all these years. If I didn't have some skills, I could survive until Now?" Situ Yunqi said angrily.

Gu Fenghuaxin said this. He has been cheating and deceiving for a lifetime. If nothing else, he is really good at saving lives.

Gu Fenghua was a little lucky that she had a soft heart and took in this old magician, otherwise she would not have dared to stay in Jiuyou Valley for too long at the speed at which his vitality was disappearing just now.

Not in the mood to watch the old man and the young man bicker, Gu Fenghua opened the scroll.

On the scroll, the runes marked Nine Nether Valley still emit a strange light, but if you look closely, there is no change from before.

"What's going on?" Luo Enen came over to take a look and said strangely.

"Are you looking in the wrong place?" Fang Tianyou guessed.

"Probably not." Ye Wuse flatly denied.

Judging from the scroll map, the Nine Nether Valley should be marked here, and Shangguan Haochen and others also concluded that there should be no mistake.

"Maybe it's deep in the valley. Let's go forward and take a look." Gu Fenghua held the scroll in both hands and walked towards the depths of the Nine Nether Valley.

Sure enough, after walking for about a mile or two, there was a subtle change in the runes on the scroll. Although it was not obvious, it could not hide from her powerful divine will.

"Yes, it's right here." Gu Fenghua quickened his pace.

"Roar..." Suddenly, a beast roar came from his ears.

The beast's roar was so rough and desolate. Although everyone was a strong man of the seventh, eighth or even ninth rank of the Emperor Saint, they were still shaken by the roar of the beast and their hearts trembled.

"Didn't it say that all things in Jiuyou Valley were extinct? Where did the monsters come from?" Luo Enen was shocked and pulled out the long sword fiercely.

Not only Luo Enen, but others were equally surprised.

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