My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5555 5555 Everything happened too fast

Before they could figure out what was going on, the light in front of them dimmed, and a beast shadow appeared out of thin air in mid-air, charging towards everyone with a fierce look.

Demonic soul! Gu Fenghua and others reacted immediately.

No wonder the Nine Nether Valley is classified as a forbidden area. It turns out that in addition to the constant disappearance of vitality, there are actually demon spirits hidden in the valley.

Without thinking much, everyone slashed out with their swords at the same time.

Although the demonic soul was coming with great force, it could not compete with Gu Fenghua and others. Before the roar of the beast disappeared, the demon soul exploded from it and disappeared into a shadow.

"I was shocked. I thought it was too much, but it turned out to be so vulnerable." Although he was also shocked by the power of the exploding demon spirit, Luo Enen still looked arrogant. said.

"What kind of demon soul was that just now?" Fang Tianyou asked.

From the moment the demon soul appeared to when they struck out with their swords and cut it into nothingness, it was only a matter of seconds, and he still hadn't seen clearly what kind of demon beast it was.

"It looks like a roe owl." Fatty Bai said in a deep voice.

The roe owl is also one of the twelve evil beasts in ancient times. They have seen it once before and know how powerful it is. Even if it is just a demon soul, they must not be careless. But everything happened so fast just now, and he couldn't be sure.

"It doesn't look like that, but it's a roe owl." Gu Fenghua looked forward and said with certainty.

Looking along her line of sight, she saw that in mid-air, the demon souls that had just been killed by their swords were condensed and formed again.

"So fast!" Luo Enen and others raised their eyebrows, and their expressions became solemn.

Unlike the refined demon soul in Fang Muyun's demon soul staff, the demon soul floating between heaven and earth is rootless. Although not every time it suffers a severe injury, it will completely disintegrate, but if you want to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and refine it into The power of demon spirits is also extremely difficult.

Logically speaking, the roe owl demon soul had just been defeated by one of their swords, and it would take days or even months to condense the beast form again. But just how long had passed, just a few breaths of time, and it actually appeared in front of me again.

This recovery speed is even faster than Fang Muyun's Demonic Soul Staff!

This situation seems a little bad.

"Roar..." Just when Gu Fenghua and others were secretly frightened, the roe owl demon soul roared wildly and pounced down in the air again.

Although it was just a demon soul, the sharp claws formed by the power of the demon spirit were drawn from top to bottom, and the light pattern was distorted, and even the space was briefly torn apart.

This kind of strength is definitely not weaker than the two purple soul roe deer owls that Gu Fenghua and others have seen before, and is even better.

If it is an ordinary demon soul, Gu Fenghua can also try to use the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map to suppress the imprisonment, but based on the experience of fighting Fang Muyun last time, such a powerful demon soul cannot be dealt with by the Eight Wasteland Demon Suppression Map. So she didn't bother.

Not daring to be careless, Gu Fenghua and the others quickly gathered their holy energy and slashed out with their swords again.

"Boom!" The concentrated sword light and the demon soul's sharp claws collided head-on, making an earth-shaking loud noise.

Without any suspense, the shadows of demon soul beasts and sword light exploded at the same time, and dust flew in the eerie and strange valley.

Once again, they easily defeated the roe owl demon soul with one sword stroke, but the mood of Gu Fenghua and others was by no means as relaxed as it seemed.

Because the demon soul had just disappeared, before they could even let out a long breath, they clearly felt that the power of another demon spirit began to condense rapidly in the dust, which was the energy of the roe owl demon soul.

"Charge over before it condenses into shape!" Gu Fenghua made a prompt decision and raised the sword again.

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