"Boom!" Just like last time, the vast power of heaven and earth exploded violently, hitting the end of the valley.

The steep cliff seemed to have been split open by a giant axe. Thick green appeared in front of us, and surging vitality gushes out from it. It turned out to be another valley.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua pulled up the seriously injured Situ Yunqi and rushed towards the valley first, followed closely by Luo Enen and others.

Just now, in order to withstand the terrifying power of the Jiugong God-killing Banner, the defensive instruments on their bodies were broken one after another, and their holy energy was greatly depleted. If they were surrounded by demon spirits again, it would be difficult to move even an inch, and it would be difficult to even enter this valley.

Their worries were unnecessary. They watched Gu Fenghua and others rush into the green valley. Instead of chasing them, the demon spirits that emerged in the valley one after another did not chase them. Instead, they prostrated themselves on the ground, as if they were worshiping the valley.

Could it be that the purpose of the existence of these demon spirits is to protect this newly emerged valley? Gu Fenghua thought secretly.

Soon, everyone entered the valley. There was just a "bang" sound, and the cliff that was split behind him closed like a door, with no trace of it being broken. But at the last moment before the cliff closed, the scroll fell and returned to Gu Fenghua's hand.

"What kind of place is this?" Fang Tianyou looked around and said with a confused look on his face.

The entrance to the valley is narrow, and the steep slopes on both sides are covered with colorful flowers. They are colorful and exude a refreshing fragrance, making it appear peaceful, peaceful, and at the same time full of vitality.

Just after escaping from the eerie Nine Nether Valley where all things were annihilated, the next moment I came to another valley that was so full of life. It was like coming to the legendary paradise, and it felt a bit illusory and dreamy.

"Go in and take a look." Gu Fenghua said.

God knows where this valley is. The only thing she can be sure of is that this valley is where the scroll really refers. The Nine Nether Valley outside is just a cover, or in other words, a barrier.

Stepping on the soft grass, everyone walked forward.

After walking for about ten miles, the vision suddenly opened up, and I saw a wide open space with dozens of houses dotted here and there. It turned out to be a medium-sized village.

However, these houses are all made of huge rocks, which is completely different from the residential style of Wuji Shengtian, and also very different from Tianji Continent, giving people a different kind of vicissitudes of life.

It was getting close to dusk, and smoke was rising from many houses. Seven or eight children who were excited about playing refused to go home and were running wildly at the entrance of the village.

I originally thought that what would greet me would be some kind of blessed land, filled with countless treasures of heaven and earth. Of course, it might also be a forbidden place of death that looks peaceful but is actually full of dangers. However, I never expected that it would be such a peaceful and peaceful small village. Gu Fenghua and others Everyone was very curious and walked quickly towards the village.

"Child, can you tell me where this place is?" When they arrived at the village entrance, Miss Luo, who was full of childlike innocence, asked with a smile that she thought was very sweet and cute.

The children were having so much fun that they didn't notice anyone coming, and were suddenly startled when they heard her words.

"Ah..." A group of children looked at Lorne blankly, and suddenly someone screamed.

Then, they were seen running away and entering the village.

"Am I so scary?" Luo Enen's smile froze on his face, he touched his cheek and said depressedly.

"Maybe it's because I've never met an outsider." Gu Fenghua guessed and comforted her.

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